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Anthem impressions from John from DF

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So I played another couple hours of this on PC. Got teamed up with a lag free group and I must say it was pretty damn fun.  Although I had to keep on pressing A to rid the connection error that never seemed to cause any problems to after the mission.


I like it, but the game can be fucky for sure. Hopefully the full game is ironed out and the performance is a bit better. Still having weird, random perf drops on PC. And on Xbox reef the performance was just downright bad at points.



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On 2019-01-27 at 6:36 AM, Voidler said:

Not sure why anyone’s expecting a BioWare game primarily focused on third person combat to be any good

I feel kinda bad for them.  With recent reports that they pitched a new KoToR and EA said no, it seems like they're being forced out of their wheelhouse to make GaaS titles that they're not equipped to support.  It seems like EA is so desperate to have their own Fortnite that they're willing to burn their best studios to the ground to get it.

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