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Digital Foundry: Switch 4-Game Analysis! Firewatch! Octahedron! Travis Strikes Again! Battle Princess Madelyn!

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Travis Strikes Again:

- Powered by UE4
- Targets and hits consistent 60 FPS in both modes w/ minor drops and hitches
- Docked mode: 720p // Portable mode: 480p. No Dynamic scaling


- Targets 60 FPS
- Made using Game Maker 2.0
- Game dynamically enables/disables visual effects to maintain frame rate
- Some 3D objects are rendered as sprites to maintain performance
- Some backgrounds elements also run at lower frame rates to maintain overall fluidity

Battle Princess Madelyn!

- Built in Unity
- Targets 60 FPS but performance buckles in some areas
- Devs have commented future patches will improve performance


- Built on Unity
- Docked: 720p (including HUD elements)
- Portable: 900x600 to 900x640p (possibly dynamic)
- Textures and art is lower resolution than other versions
- Shadow maps and foliage pop in distance is also very low
- Performance is close to 30 FPS in normal exploration near starting areas
- As you move on, performance gets worse over time
- Portable mode has worse drops and sustained for longer periods

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