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The left are the very definition of evil

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That $2M diamond that you just showed me? Oh I swallowed it, it's inside my body now, it's mine and I'm keeping it. Sorry Mr. Jeweler, my body my choice  

Everyone might have just discovered: We are actually ALL ON the Jerry-go-round.


2 hours ago, dakur said:

The right lets them be born and then sends them to die for bogus wars or disease-riddled with no access to healthcare. The left here is in fact being the compassionate one.

You're a real compassionate guy by aborting babies at 9 months :| 

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9 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Jesus Christ give the child off to a foster home or something.


In Russia abortions are forbidden by law after a few months of pregnancy, don't remember how many.

It's disgusting, and they've got so much vague language in their legislation it can be left up to individual interpretation and decisions. The law shouldn't be able to be interpreted...


4 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Dumb liberal logic:


>Building a wall to keep illegals out is immoral

>Abortion at 9 months is fantastic

Crazy right? It's unconscionable. If they begin the abortion process before exhumation or birth and the baby is removed alive, they can still kill it as long as the process was started before hand. We're dealing with some evil psycho level shit here.  

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There are whole government institutions which cost them billions to bring up parentless, and abandoned children.


She's a psychopath, the health risks of an abortion at such a term are insane, they are always high. She's also risking her health a lot more than just popping the kid out. Just disgusting scum all around.

Edited by Team 2019
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14 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Dumb liberal logic:


>Building a wall to keep illegals out is immoral

>Abortion at 9 months is fantastic

You made a thread praising Hitler.

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

There are whole government institutions which cost them billions to bring up parentless, and abandoned children.


She's a psychopath, the health risks of an abortion at such a term are insane, they are always high. She's also risking her health a lot more than just popping the kid out. Just disgusting scum all around.

Put the kid up for adoption, I mean holy shit. 9 months of your life goes by quickly and you can give the child up with zero repercussion or responsibility. There are millions of people who want to adopt children, see the pregnancy through and then make wiser decisions in the future. The biggest delusion of the whole infanticide movement is the "my body, my choice" narrative, ugh bitch it's someone else's body in your body and you're killing it...

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The law is simple, revoking a doctor's license, and potential jail time. That's the law here.


Doctors aren't idiots trust me, they will know what month she is on in a few minutes, if not tens of seconds, and if the law is strict. The doctors simply won't allow it.


Also we have something called a mother's capital, its very small money but you get money for giving birth to a child, and the government pays for the child for the first 4 years especially to single mothers.

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I only support abortion in case of rape, major birth defects and danger to the mother.

For everything else deal with the consequences of your actions like an adult.


Trump was very brave to tackle this subject in the presidential debates and defending his thoughts on how it can't be right when it's on a late term. Premature babies are born when they're 5-6 months and manage to survive, they're no longer just a clump of cells.

Twisted garbage morals.

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