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Radeon VII actual benchmarks come in...

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No new architecture... no new technologies... same price as the RTX 2080... Severely limited quantities.. France and Spain are only getting dozens of cards between them :D :D 


Gotta do better than that AMD :hest: 

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5 minutes ago, bhytre said:

No new tech yet 4K performance is better or on par lmao :hehe:

CuckTX :heh:

On par ROFL


AMD needs to be 20% better or more, and even then people wont give a shit :kaz: 


Kind of like Xbox.  It can be 70% better visually and have better performance and will still only sell a 3rd of what Playstation does :hehe: 


Dumbtre :tom: 

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  • Remij changed the title to Radeon VII actual benchmarks come in...

Seems fine to me, you're also getting a card with dramatically better memory and more of it which has higher productivity and professional application so it's a more well rounded GPU. I mean the reality is the 2080 is the consumer flagship card and they've matched that in price and performance. I know the 2080Ti exists but let's be real here. I don't think that's even in the conversation because of its pricing, it's $500 more than both, it's priced $200  higher than the Titan's were so I'd call that more of an enthusiast grade tech sample. I don't want AMD to get into the habit of even trying to make cards like that which cost that much, it's retarded.



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Seems fine to me, you're also getting a card with dramatically better memory and more of it which has higher productivity and professional application so it's more well rounded GPU. I mean the reality is the 2080 is the consumer flagship card and they've matched that in price and performance. I know the 2080Ti exists but let's be real here. I don't think that's even in the conversation because of its pricing, it's $500 more than both, it's priced $200  higher than the Titan's were so I'd call that more of an enthusiast grade tech sample. I don't want AMD to get into the habit of even trying to make cards like that which cost that much, it's retarded.

As I said... that's not good enough.  As a consumer card, the memory means nothing.  Sure, there's a few people who might find use of it... but those people would buy better cards anyway.  This card is aimed at consumers and as such it's a waste of memory.  They could have cut the memory in half and lowered the price of the card... but they didn't do that.  You know why?  Because there's so few of these cards that they want to make as much premium off of them as they can.


This card... it's launch.. everything about it is a joke.


If anything... it's a 7nm test run... and as the first 7nm dGPU... it's pathetic.  


I'm not trying to butt heads with you over this.. but that's what it is.  It's sad that Nvidia can release a card on a last gen process node, which still consumes less power, have a completely new architecture, completely new core technologies, release at that price... and they're the ones people love to shit on :shake: 

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OCUK, one of the largest distributors of high end PC equiptment in UK confirmed the following:
"Less than 100 units of Radeon VII available for the whole UK at launch" 






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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

As I said... that's not good enough.  As a consumer card, the memory means nothing.  Sure, there's a few people who might find use of it... but those people would buy better cards anyway.  This card is aimed at consumers and as such it's a waste of memory.  They could have cut the memory in half and lowered the price of the card... but they didn't do that.  You know why?  Because there's so few of these cards that they want to make as much premium off of them as they can.


This card... it's launch.. everything about it is a joke.


If anything... it's a 7nm test run... and as the first 7nm dGPU... it's pathetic.  


I'm not trying to butt heads with you over this.. but that's what it is.  It's sad that Nvidia can release a card on a last gen process node, which still consumes less power, have a completely new architecture, completely new core technologies, release at that price... and they're the ones people love to shit on :shake: 

You talk about the Radeon VII costing more because of the memory, but where are the GTX variants of these RTX cards that would be cheaper? If AMD had 8 GB's in the VII they could have come in at $549.99, if the 2080 were a GTX card they could have also of come in at that price no doubt. They've inflated their product line price by including ray tracing technology. Technology which has almost zero real application, doesn't perform great and was implemented into a product line far too soon.


There's a reason they're selling like shit, no one wants to spend $1,200 on a GPU, and no one wants to buy a 1080 Ti for $700 with presently worthless technology attached to it that it can barely handle anyways. 


They both fucked up, but Nvidia really fucked up, they priced themselves out of their own market and people who want a 2080 are just digging up 1080 Ti's from around the internet. It's a disaster. A company didn't just pull $3.6 billion out of Nvidia yesterday for no reason. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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18 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You talk about the Radeon VII costing more because of the memory, but where are the GTX variants of these RTX cards that would be cheaper? If AMD had 8 GB's in the VII they could have come in at $549.99, if the 2080 were a GTX card they could have also of come in at that price no doubt. They've inflated their product line price by including ray tracing technology. Technology which has almost zero real application, doesn't perform great and was implemented into a product line far too soon.


There's a reason they're selling like shit, no one wants to spend $1,200 on a GPU, and no one wants to buy a 1080 Ti for $700 with presently worthless technology attached to it that it can barely handle anyways. 


They both fucked up, but Nvidia really fucked up, they priced themselves out of their own market and people who want a 2080 are just digging up 1080 Ti's from around the internet. It's a disaster.

Get outta here :D 


They inflated their product line by releasing NEW technologies.  Tech which has zero real application?  LOL  Are you aware of what tensor cores are and what they do/accelerate?   You do realize that GPUs these days are cut down versions of GPUs designed for data centers and professional applications...  The technology is absolutely the future, and just because there's not much GAMING support for it yet, which is a valid reason to not purchase the cards for it specifically, it absolutely was imperative to develop those core technologies into their GPU architectures and push adoption of their technologies for their partners and to be ahead of the competition.  That goes for their consumer GPUs and not just their professional GPUs..  It's important to bring the technology to the entire line of GPUs.  These are the future... you don't push for the future by having half of your new potential customers buy into your old technology...


And you say it doesn't perform great... that's completely bullshit.  1440p at 60+ fps.  4K 30fps... there's nothing wrong with that performance with ray-tracing on.  Mid range cards like Jon's 2060 absolutely perform fine with RTX at 1080p.  It wasn't implemented too soon... if they had waited until next gen cards for more performance, then devs would be going through the same shit they are now learning to optimize it, next year... and you'd have the same fucking complaint.. lol.  This type of adoption is necessary for this type of technology... it was never going to happen all at once.


You're always so fucking over dramatic when it comes to PC.. my god. :D  People are digging up old Nvidia cards... they're not buying new AMD cards :hest: 

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27 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

A company didn't just pull $3.6 billion out of Nvidia yesterday for no reason. 

No, there was a reason... and it's not because RTX...


Nvidia was overvalued because of the crypto shit.  That was Nvidia's fuck up for sure.  They were never THAT big of a company... it wasn't until they started flooding that market with cards that their stocks shot up to WAY higher than they could maintain.  They made huge amounts of cards to sell to that market.. and then it collapsed.  They definitely fucked up there, and that's the shit that makes stock holders pull out.  RTX had little to nothing to do with it.  Nvidia had way too much excess cards, and thus the market was flooded with cheaper cards, so the RTX launch suffered.  That coupled with the fact that there wasn't really any RTX support at launch, meant people had no real reason.


The RTX product itself is fine, it was just a casualty of a flooded market of excess last gen cards.


Thankfully AMD has been no competition to them, otherwise it could have been worse :shrug: 

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26 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Get outta here :D 


They inflated their product line by releasing NEW technologies.  Tech which has zero real application?  LOL  Are you aware of what tensor cores are and what they do/accelerate?   You do realize that GPUs these days are cut down versions of GPUs designed for data centers and professional applications...  The technology is absolutely the future, and just because there's not much GAMING support for it yet, which is a valid reason to not purchase the cards for it specifically, it absolutely was imperative to develop those core technologies into their GPU architectures and push adoption of their technologies for their partners and to be ahead of the competition.  That goes for their consumer GPUs and not just their professional GPUs..  It's important to bring the technology to the entire line of GPUs.  These are the future... you don't push for the future by having half of your new potential customers buy into your old technology...


And you say it doesn't perform great... that's completely bullshit.  1440p at 60+ fps.  4K 30fps... there's nothing wrong with that performance.  Mid range cards like Jon's 2060 absolutely perform fine with RTX at 1080p.  It wasn't implemented too soon... if they had waited until next gen cards for more performance, then devs would be going through the same shit they are now learning to optimize it, next year... and you'd have the same fucking complaint.. lol.  This type of adoption is necessary for this type of technology... it was never going to happen all at once.


You're always so fucking over dramatic when it comes to PC.. my god. :D  People are digging up old Nvidia cards... they're not buying new AMD cards :hest: 

They inflated their product line price with RTX and didn't release GTX cards because they have zero confidence in the product, it wouldn't sell, it would undermine it, and they're well aware of that which is exactly why they don't exist. This was a completely unnecessary technological implementation in consumer technology, it doesn't need to exist yet. All of these things could be in the professional and development market giving people a chance to come to grips with it, developing with it and planning for it in their games. It doesn't need to be in our hands for that to happen in the background, it simply doesn't. 


It was a big mistake, and they're paying the price for it. Ironically if they would have had a GTX line they wouldn't be in this clusterfuck right now. So what they avoided releasing due to the knowledge that it would prevent RTX from selling didn't matter anyways because no one wants it regardless. So they're just selling nothing now instead of cannibalizing their own product with one that would sell. Genius.


Yeah, 1440p at 60 and 4K 30 on medium settings with a $700 GPU :mj: The irony being you have to destroy visual quality in everything else to give the GPU the surplus it needs to ray trace, absolute fucking garbage nonsense. 


"Oh my game looks worse than something on the Xbox One S now, but at least it's got these amazing reflections" :danylol:


I'm not being dramatic you're just backing half-baked shit that wasn't ready for the consumer market, almost zero support, graphics have to be handicapped across the board elsewhere, far lower frame rates, insane cost, trash. At least with AMD's card the cost can be rationalized because of how much memory it has in it, this is just a flop.



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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16 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

They inflated their product line price with RTX and didn't release GTX cards because they have zero confidence in the product, it wouldn't sell, it would undermine it, and they're well aware of that which is exactly why they don't exist. This was a completely unnecessary technological implementation in consumer technology, it doesn't need to exist yet. All of these things could be in the professional and development market giving people a chance to come to grips with it, developing with it and planning for it in their games. It doesn't need to be in our hands for that to happen in the background, it simply doesn't. 


It was a big mistake, and they're paying the price for it right now. Ironically if they would have had a GTX line they wouldn't be in this clusterfuck right now. So what they avoided releasing due to the knowledge that it would prevent RTX from selling didn't matter anyways because no one wants it. So they're just selling nothing now instead of cannibalizing their own product that would sell. Genius.


Yeah, 1440p at 60 and 4K 30 on medium settings with a $700 GPU :mj: The irony being you have to destroy visual quality in everything else to give the GPU the surplus it needs to ray trace, absolute fucking garbage nonsense. 


"Oh my game looks worse than something on the Xbox One S now, but at least it's got these amazing reflections" :danylol:


I'm not being dramatic you're just backing half-baked shit that wasn't ready for the consumer market, almost zero support, graphics have to be handicapped across the board elsewhere, insane cost, trash. 



You say all of this could be in the professional market giving them a chance to come to grips with it...  Professional markets have been doing this shit for decades... and tensor cores are 2 gens old now.. The professional market doesn't need to learn this... the gaming market does :drake: 


You have no fucking clue as to what's going on here and you're just trying to pin everything on the fact that these cards have ray-tracing as the source of all the commotion.. it's laughable :D 


They're paying a price for a miss-read of the crypto market... not fucking RTX, get a clue dumbass :shake: 


And it's not medium... god damn you're a retarded clown ass motherfucker when it comes to this :D 


Better performance than AMD without Ray-tracing... 100% more performance with it... a larger node process... and still less power consumption... truly fucking LAUGHABLE :tom: 

And you ARE over-dramatic..


WAHH The clients! :cry: 

WAHH The accounts! :cry: 

WAHH Ray-tracing :cry: 

Won't someone PLEASE THINK OF THE CONSOLES!! ImpoliteDisgustingAmericancicada-size_re


LOL then we see you making threads about how awesome Steam is doing... and you just bought a new GPU for your PC...  Yea, it's quite clear... you ONLY comment like this... to ME.  You love trying to bring me down a notch.. You always get so fucking butthurt when I knock AMD... ok ok ok bro... you win.  RTX sucks and RADEON VII is AMAZING!! :D 



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