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Sounds like Anthem's performance has been improved quite a bit over the demo on PC (also X1X too apparently)

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  • Remij changed the title to Sounds like Anthem's performance has been improved quite a bit over the demo on PC
6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Ill find out in a few minutes


Yea, I'm downloading Metro right now.. but I kinda want to play Anthem too.  Probably jump on that tomorrow.  I was checking out King Goliathon's stream and it looks like it was running great.

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  • Remij changed the title to Sounds like Anthem's performance has been improved quite a bit over the demo on PC (also X1X too apparently)

Yeah the opening part is pretty dope . idk game seems to run pretty good, I swear the vsync is this game is extra fuckey tho. Only part that dropped was the first time I flew into the water. 


I think this game might end up being something special 



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2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

so you think the game might actually deliver? I haven't kept up with impressions, but the GB guys all seemed to not think too highly of it.

Gb guys hate everything .

I don't know if the story stuff will be any good or if long term it will be fun and not repetitive but from what I played so far the gameplay is insanely fun . 


I'm gonna spend most of my day tomorrow playing it so I'll have some better impressions after that .

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