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After having played Red Dead Redemption 2 for a few hours...

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I can say that this an excellent made game.

Very well crafted.

Lots of details, and strangely gives me a calm vibe.


Having just finished Chapter 1, I have had a few hours with this game and I can say you don't see a game like this very often.


Very few developers can put out something like this, a well crafted game with lots of detail.


Compared to the anual garbage that you see from Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed, because it's the closest game I can compare it with.


After just a few minutes of having played any Assassin's Creed I can already see the entire formula

Not with RDR2 though. I can see that's there is plenty of stuff to do and discover and is hidden behind an elegant and miniscule menu system which lets you know what have you discovered and points you to the nearest landmarks.


However, like everyone have said, this game is not for everyone. You can easily spend a few hours and accomplish very little percentage wise, but deep inside you'll know you had a good time.


Now, the only downside to this game is the HDR which is not properly done.


I had to increase it to 150 despite the game telling me, 100 is recommended for LCDs. I mean, my Sony x900e is not even a traditional LCD, but I believe it's a FALD LED.



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Hmmm I have the x900f, and I think the hdr is incredible, and that the recommended game setting is amazing. However, I spent over an hour calibrating my tv when I got it. Are you using stock tv settings (which are still quite good)? 


Glad you like the game :smoke: 

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18 minutes ago, bhytre said:

It's one of the most relaxing games if you wanna play it that way. 

A true man's game, only boys would hate on it B)

Yeah. Some days, i’d play it for an hour. Others..like 10. I would only play if I wanted to. The vibe, in general, is super lax but engaging. I just did the mission “a quick favor for an old friend”. I’m loving this last chunk of the game. 

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36 minutes ago, -GD- said:

Hmmm I have the x900f, and I think the hdr is incredible, and that the recommended game setting is amazing. However, I spent over an hour calibrating my tv when I got it. Are you using stock tv settings (which are still quite good)? 


Glad you like the game :smoke: 

Yeah you have this years model I believe.

I have 2017's model and I also calibrated it.

I always set my tvs to low brightness, low sauration and high contrast.

This way, I let the bright areas differentiate more.

I increased it to 150 and looks better.

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4 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Its no Rocket League 

you are a damn genius like koko to figure out it's not rocket league after playing red dead redemption for a few hours

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