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Crackdown 3 killing it at UK retail

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The most disappointing launch of the week belongs to Microsoft's Crackdown 3, which only made No.13. The game's launch sales are barely 10 per cent of what Crackdown 2 managed in 2010.


Crackdown 3 sold about 4.000 units.


Hobo pass number manipulation to the rescue. :kaz: 

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1 hour ago, Ike said:

You mean the MP that wasn’t even ready for launch? :hest:

Yes, because I'm speaking about the design of the multiplayer gameplay.. not a specific feature.  Let's say, the game would be even more fun, if I could play with friends. 

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Ah yes, the non technical people in this thread not understanding what is actually happening. :juggle:

So not having party chat ruined one game experience for you.. Big deal.. Just wait and see what this technology brings to the future of gaming.

Edited by S#$@%^i
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