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Who's playing Metro?

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30 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

im near the end. game is great.

It is a great game.  And I mean that.  I really like this style of game.  I also like how they handle side missions and I can get lost for hours scavenging for anything.


That said... I do have quite a few nitpicks about what I've played so far.  It might seem like I'm hating everything, but I'm really not.. overall it's a really good game, and technically one of the most impressive games out there, despite it's flaws.


The gfx, just like the game itself has problems.. just as most games do.. but here's some things I've noticed about the game:


-There's some spots with poor textures.  Literally every game has these, but considering the extremely high quality of most of the textures, there still being low res textures is disappointing at times.  They aren't the worst though, they still look decent and the physically based lighting and materials help them look better than they would otherwise.

-DLSS isn't very good here.  This is more of an Nvidia issue, but it's a part of the game, and it's not executed as well as I think it could have been.  It shouldn't have been included until it was good and ready.

-The fire effects... are fucking laughable.  There's like 2 different kinds of fire... one which is more like sprites and is decent, but often makes bigger flames, which turn into 2d billboard effects which look like they run at 15fps and just look low res and terrible.  They repeat patterns after like 5 frames and are just pathetic compared to the gfx quality of everything else.

-The in-game photo mode isn't very good.  It's basic, and quite limited in what you can do.  It also blurs characters if you try to get really close to them and take a good detailed shot.  Not a big deal because on PC there's a million better things we can do. (Ansel works here too)
-You see a lot of the exact same character models during combat focused areas.  They're literally the same 3 human enemy models.

-That leads me to the fact that the AI is dumb as fuck in this game... and yet cheap at the same time, especially on the harder difficulty settings.

-There's only one save slot in the game.  This is ridiculous and pathetic that in 2019 we only have one save slot.

-The sound mixing is absolutely terrible.  Maybe the worst I've ever heard in a AAA game.  Things just don't convey proper sound distance relative to each other, and certain elements can lack punch at one time and then sound really punchy the next.  
-Which then leads me to the fact that sometimes sounds cut out or simply don't play.  This hasn't happened often, really only once or twice.. but sometimes a sound will start and then cut out as a new different sound plays.

-And the last thing.. is that character movement speed is sometimes too slow when walking.  I know that they are trying to simulate having to traverse more slowly as you're walking or running through debris, but it just feels like movement is inconsistent overall.  There's also some issues with getting hung up on geometry since it's a very dense game.  You kinda just get stuck for a second instead of smoothly pushing past.



So yea, I'm not talking about Story stuff because obviously that's spoilers and I'm not finished it yet, but I'm loving the game regardless of the issues.

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2 hours ago, Jon2B said:

You have a 980ti right ? What settings are you using 

I have a regular 980. I’m fine with performance around 30fps in this type of game, so I played mostly on ultra at 2560 x 1440. There were some parts (mostly in the desert) where the framerate got so bad I had to put it down to high though.

Edited by Twinblade
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2 hours ago, Remij_ said:

It is a great game.  And I mean that.  I really like this style of game.  I also like how they handle side missions and I can get lost for hours scavenging for anything.


That said... I do have quite a few nitpicks about what I've played so far.  It might seem like I'm hating everything, but I'm really not.. overall it's a really good game, and technically one of the most impressive games out there, despite it's flaws.


The gfx, just like the game itself has problems.. just as most games do.. but here's some things I've noticed about the game:


-There's some spots with poor textures.  Literally every game has these, but considering the extremely high quality of most of the textures, there still being low res textures is disappointing at times.  They aren't the worst though, they still look decent and the physically based lighting and materials help them look better than they would otherwise.

-DLSS isn't very good here.  This is more of an Nvidia issue, but it's a part of the game, and it's not executed as well as I think it could have been.  It shouldn't have been included until it was good and ready.

-The fire effects... are fucking laughable.  There's like 2 different kinds of fire... one which is more like sprites and is decent, but often makes bigger flames, which turn into 2d billboard effects which look like they run at 15fps and just look low res and terrible.  They repeat patterns after like 5 frames and are just pathetic compared to the gfx quality of everything else.

-The in-game photo mode isn't very good.  It's basic, and quite limited in what you can do.  It also blurs characters if you try to get really close to them and take a good detailed shot.  Not a big deal because on PC there's a million better things we can do. (Ansel works here too)
-You see a lot of the exact same character models during combat focused areas.  They're literally the same 3 human enemy models.

-That leads me to the fact that the AI is dumb as fuck in this game... and yet cheap at the same time, especially on the harder difficulty settings.

-There's only one save slot in the game.  This is ridiculous and pathetic that in 2019 we only have one save slot.

-The sound mixing is absolutely terrible.  Maybe the worst I've ever heard in a AAA game.  Things just don't convey proper sound distance relative to each other, and certain elements can lack punch at one time and then sound really punchy the next.  
-Which then leads me to the fact that sometimes sounds cut out or simply don't play.  This hasn't happened often, really only once or twice.. but sometimes a sound will start and then cut out as a new different sound plays.

-And the last thing.. is that character movement speed is sometimes too slow when walking.  I know that they are trying to simulate having to traverse more slowly as you're walking or running through debris, but it just feels like movement is inconsistent overall.  There's also some issues with getting hung up on geometry since it's a very dense game.  You kinda just get stuck for a second instead of smoothly pushing past.



So yea, I'm not talking about Story stuff because obviously that's spoilers and I'm not finished it yet, but I'm loving the game regardless of the issues.

I just finished it. The last level goes on for too long, but theres still plenty of good stuff in it. I quite liked the ending as well.



You're right about the technical issues, its got loads of them. The game can go from looking amazing one moment to something at least 5 years old the next. Im definitely referring to some of the indoor environments, they're the ones that have the most noticeable low res/muddy textures. 


But my hope is that since the work of modifying the engine to support these large sandbox levels is done, they'll be able to spend more resources with the next game on polishing up the visuals, animations, and the other janky issues it has.

Edited by Twinblade
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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I just finished it. The last level goes on for too long, but theres still plenty of good stuff in it. I quite liked the ending as well.



You're right about the technical issues, its got loads of them. The game can go from looking amazing one moment to something at least 5 years old the next. Im definitely referring to some of the indoor environments, they're the ones that have the most noticeable low res/muddy textures. 


But my hope is that since the work of modifying the engine to support these large sandbox levels is done, they'll be able to spend more resources with the next game on polishing up the visuals, animations, and the other janky issues it has.

Yep I agree.


Before I said that this was the best looking game, even over RDR2, but the fact is while it CAN be when it's at its best.. but it's far too inconsistent graphically to be considered the best overall.  It's got way more issues that RDR2 simply doesn't have.  Still a damn good looking game for a team of this size however.  I also agree with you that for their next game they should hopefully be able to focus more on the artistic side of the graphics and put more resources into that than having to figure out everything as they go.


If you look through the Metro games, they've actually been progressing quite steadily as a studio.  Each game is a nice improvement over the last in technology and artistry.  I fully expect them to continue to work on their quality.  Definitely getting rid of the jankiness of things like certain animations and stuff like that, which don't always loop as smoothly as you'd like them to, and things like getting hung up on the geometry like I said would go a long way.


There's a real potential there with this studio though.. it's quite clear to see.  Improvements and changes in performance capture would do wonders as well.  We can be quite certain their next game will be a visual treat.

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11 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Yep I agree.


Before I said that this was the best looking game, even over RDR2, but the fact is while it CAN be when it's at its best.. but it's far too inconsistent graphically to be considered the best overall.  It's got way more issues that RDR2 simply doesn't have.  Still a damn good looking game for a team of this size however.  I also agree with you that for their next game they should hopefully be able to focus more on the artistic side of the graphics and put more resources into that than having to figure out everything as they go.


If you look through the Metro games, they've actually been progressing quite steadily as a studio.  Each game is a nice improvement over the last in technology and artistry.  I fully expect them to continue to work on their quality.  Definitely getting rid of the jankiness of things like certain animations and stuff like that, which don't always loop as smoothly as you'd like them to, and things like getting hung up on the geometry like I said would go a long way.


There's a real potential there with this studio though.. it's quite clear to see.  Improvements and changes in performance capture would do wonders as well.  We can be quite certain their next game will be a visual treat.

The game appears to. E doing really well so hopefully they’ll knock it out of the park with true next one. The lack of performance capture is definitely bizzare, deep silver is clearly willing to invest a lot of money in these games so it makes no sense that they can’t work with the devs and other companieS to implement performance capturing. 


Btw, do you know if there’s any way to check current play time? I don’t see an in game clock which also brings me to one of my quirks with the epic store - it doesn’t track playtime for games. That’s something they should really add.

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13 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Yep I agree.


Before I said that this was the best looking game, even over RDR2, but the fact is while it CAN be when it's at its best.. but it's far too inconsistent graphically to be considered the best overall.  It's got way more issues that RDR2 simply doesn't have.  Still a damn good looking game for a team of this size however.  I also agree with you that for their next game they should hopefully be able to focus more on the artistic side of the graphics and put more resources into that than having to figure out everything as they go.


If you look through the Metro games, they've actually been progressing quite steadily as a studio.  Each game is a nice improvement over the last in technology and artistry.  I fully expect them to continue to work on their quality.  Definitely getting rid of the jankiness of things like certain animations and stuff like that, which don't always loop as smoothly as you'd like them to, and things like getting hung up on the geometry like I said would go a long way.


There's a real potential there with this studio though.. it's quite clear to see.  Improvements and changes in performance capture would do wonders as well.  We can be quite certain their next game will be a visual treat.

yeah, the effects in metro vids look nuts. but RDR2 just feels like this cohesive visual masterpiece. it's the graphics king imo (one x version)

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6 hours ago, Twinblade said:

The game appears to. E doing really well so hopefully they’ll knock it out of the park with true next one. The lack of performance capture is definitely bizzare, deep silver is clearly willing to invest a lot of money in these games so it makes no sense that they can’t work with the devs and other companieS to implement performance capturing. 


Btw, do you know if there’s any way to check current play time? I don’t see an in game clock which also brings me to one of my quirks with the epic store - it doesn’t track playtime for games. That’s something they should really add.

Yea, they got some work to do for the next one, but I'm pretty faithful they'll do a great job with it.


As for the Store, yea.. there's no way to check it as far as I know.  They are bringing all that stuff to the client this year though.  The biggest thing they need to get online right away is cloud saves though. lol

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4 hours ago, -GD- said:

yeah, the effects in metro vids look nuts. but RDR2 just feels like this cohesive visual masterpiece. it's the graphics king imo (one x version)

Yep.  Metro has moments where honest to god I felt like I was seeing an early next gen game.  Metro at it's absolute best, is better than RDR2 imo.. but Metro isn't at it's best all the time like RDR2 is.  RDR2's animations and blending are just next level stuff.  They're on that same plateau as Naughty Dog.  But Metro doesn't hold up nearly as well.  The performance capture isn't even close to the same level.. but the team really did an incredible job considering their size and not having access to the same caliber of tools that developers like Rockstar and Naughty Dog do.


I can't even begin to imagine what next gen games are going to look like from Naughty Dog, Rockstar, and 4A Games. :whew: 

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