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Metro Exodus wasn't really downgraded that much from the E3 presentation

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Outside of the snow effect at the very beginning, it's not a horrible downgrade.. mostly just different.


There were artistic changes, level design changes, and lighting changes, but nothing really downgraded, just different.  Some of the LODs have been reduced, but only in the far far distance.  The only other "downgrade" were contextual animations to add flair to the demo that weren't really meant to be part of the game.  The E3 footage was proclaimed "X1X footage" but you can see the E3 demo's monsters have hairworks on them.. which actually is in the PC version of the game, so it wasn't really downgraded per-se.  Other changes like the weapon model or the arm bracer are just different and actually exist in the game.


So yea, not really downgraded too much when you really look at it.

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58 minutes ago, lostfool said:

To me it looks much better than what was shown in 2017

It's actually pretty fucking crazy.  There's this one section where they are basically just throwing enemies at you and you're just fucking mowing them down and the bodies are building up.. it's crazy.  I fucking LOVE the way the guns zoom in and out in this game.  It's cinematic as fuck.  Shit... I should have took a video of it :( 


One thing (of a few things) that annoys me about this game though... is just 1 save slot.  You basically have a quick save and that's it.. and if the game auto saves.. your save is overwritten.. pretty fucking stupid.

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