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Worst First Party Devs?

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Sony - Media Molecule, tech demo trash with terrible gameplay. 


MS - Rare, one of the worst studios in gaming. 4+ year dev time, infinite support and they have been putting out dogshit since Starfox Adventures another terrible game.


Nintendo - Hal Labratories, they just keep in shitting out mediocre as fuck Yoshi and Kirby games.

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55 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Sony - Media Molecule, tech demo trash with terrible gameplay. 


MS - Rare, one of the worst studios in gaming. 4+ year dev time, infinite support and they have been putting out dogshit since Starfox Adventures another terrible game.


Nintendo - Hal Labratories, they just keep in shitting out mediocre as fuck Yoshi and Kirby games.

I'm not into anything Media Molecule makes so I can't speak to them for quality but for the other two I just can't agree at all.


So in terms of Rare; first off Starfox Adventures was actually a decent game. There's nothing outright wrong with it and it fared pretty well critically. I know you're big on shitting on Sea of Thieves but the game is solid man and it's been doing nothing but growing and evolving. SoT wasn't faulted for its template or quality, it was its lack of extenuating content and how filled out the world is. Since launch they've done nothing but flesh the game out and their biggest update to date is coming which not only has the Areana mode it's going to add a ton more to the content and environmental side. Playing SoT now to where it was when it launched is night and day, 5 minutes in the world and you can see and feel the dedication Rare has to this game and fostering its growth.


I've never been a big fan of Kirby but the Yoshi games have always been great in my eyes. Even though Yoshi's Crafted World looks like a tub of Vaseline was dumped on it the foundation and platforming mechanics are solid and it seems like another good and enjoyable entry into the franchise. If you play each of the Yoshi games they feel evolutionary and as they're building onto and adding to what has already come prior. 

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Media Molecule's track record looks pretty good to me. Dreams is basically a highly advanced, consumer facing software development kit... I'd be interested to see if actual developers utilize it for their own games and if some creations get monetized in some form or fashion. A lot of people are extremely impressed with this effort.

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MS -


-343, Coalition (both terrible corporate studios that destroyed thier IPs + infused leftist politics to effectively 'take away' the franchises from their original fans) 


-Rare (or what they're calling Rare nowadays) Not the same studio from the 360 era, let alone N64. Kameo and banjo N&B were good... Sea of thieves and Kinept sports though? These guys didn't survive the transition to the Xbox One. Dead dev.


-undead labs. Broken, buggy zombie games that look like they came out a mid-90's cereal box CD-ROM.


-Compulsion. We happy few was one of the biggest bait and switch reveals of all time. looked like a bioshock clone from their trailer, and then they deliver a micromanagement resource gathering POS. :rofl: 


Pretty much every studio MS has is awful. Turn 10 is good but they make lame car games. Shit I think Ninja Theory is MS's best dev right now, and they're middle of the road/ PlanB. Fucking Hell.  :rofl:

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7 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

MS -


-343, Coalition (both terrible corporate studios that destroyed thier IPs + infused leftist politics to effectively 'take away' the franchises from their original fans) 


-Rare (or what they're calling Rare nowadays) Not the same studio from the 360 era, let alone N64. Kameo and banjo N&B were good... Sea of thieves and Kinept sports though? These guys didn't survive the transition to the Xbox One. Dead dev.


-undead labs. Broken, buggy zombie games that look like they came out a mid-90's cereal box CD-ROM.


-Compulsion. We happy few was one of the biggest bait and switch reveals of all time. looked like a bioshock clone from their trailer, and then they deliver a micromanagement resource gathering POS. :rofl: 


Pretty much every studio MS has is awful. Turn 10 is good but they make lame car games. Shit I think Ninja Theory is MS's best dev right now, and they're middle of the road/ PlanB. Fucking Hell.  :rofl:

You are such an annoying faggot, literally the most butthurt person I've ever seen. 


"Wahhh Microsoft" .... "Waahhhh Xbox" ..... "Waahhhhh inclusiveness".... "Wahhhh diversity".... "Wahhh black people in my games".... "Wahhhhhhh women in my games"....


Dude, just fucking kill yourself already.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Truth hurts. Ms has the worst studios I've ever seen. Keep in mind Xbox is where it is now (a joke) because of the current studios. They suck and MS knows it, hence the acquisitions of new ones.


But, still, Playground and Turn 10 are the only good ones and they make gay car games.


Initiative sounds good on paper, but it's vapourware right now.


Ninja Theory, well. They're atleast a competent dev, but they still have a host of issues to work through. never forget








Homophobic and racist as hell developer. Daddy Spencer's obviously going to restructure the studio to be a leftist shill joint however, but damn that shit offends me as a J-pop/ Japanese game fan ^. Fuck Ninja Theory. :rofl: 


they've also not proved they can make anything other than middle of the road westernized actions games that can't hold a candle to the likes of Nioh, DMC5, Sekiro, etc. and with them on MS's side, team ninja is more likely to cuddle up with Sony in the future.

Edited by Bodycount N
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I enjoyed little big planet a lot. I build a few levels with my mate after finishing the story. showing your emotion using the d-pad was cute. 


AND some levels the community created were fucking brilliant. There was a star wars level where someone hid yoda in the weirdest spots and he always made the funniest noises (like the wilhelm scream or just stupid mumbling).


Loved the multiplayer and the community maps. :glad: 


Never played LBP 2 tho, maybe it's time.


also I like the "floatie" controls.

Edited by kaz
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Just now, Team 2019 said:

Coalition and 343i are good devs, but they haven't done something like God of War. Where fatigued franchises were revived and taken to the next level. I don't think they should be on any lists like this.


But their inability to take monumental franchises and keep the momentum going is fact.

Gears 4 is on par with Gears judgement as the worst in the series.


As for 343, Halo 5 has to be one of the worst games ever made.


You can tell the budget roots of both developers. 343 is old Gearbox rejects, and Coalition is a collection of gears franchise leftovers, capcom Vancouver leftovers, and MS corporate influence. 


Losing Bungie and Epic was like if Sony straight up lost Naughty Dog and SSM. Absolutely destroyed the xbox brand.

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10 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

Gears 4 is on par with Gears judgement as the worst in the series.


As for 343, Halo 5 has to be one of the worst games ever made.


You can tell the budget roots of both developers. 343 is old Gearbox rejects, and Coalition is a collection of gears franchise leftovers, capcom Vancouver leftovers, and MS corporate influence. 


Losing Bungie and Epic was like if Sony straight up lost Naughty Dog and SSM. Absolutely destroyed the xbox brand.

Yeah... Huge loss they both were... They went on to create Destiny which was a 70's critical flop, Destiny 2 which scored 1 point higher than Halo 5, and Epic went on to make nothing but Fortnite which while a breakout success to children and autists scored 3 points lower than Gear of War 4...




343 meta: 85.33/100

The Coalition meta: 83/100




Bungie meta post Microsoft: 80.5/100

Epic meta post Microsoft: 81/100



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Yeah... Huge loss they both were... They went on to create Destiny which which was a 70's critical flop, Destiny 2 which scored 1 point higher than Halo 5, and Epic went on to make nothing but Fortnite which while a breakout success to children and autists scored 3 points lower than Gear of War 4...




343 meta: 85.33/100

The Coalition meta: 83/100




Bungie meta post Microsoft: 80.5/1000

Epic meta post Microsoft: 81/100



Yeah I'm sure MS would rather have 343 halo and Gears of 7.0 over fortnite and destiny under their belt. MS would have won this gen straight up if they kept bungie and epic making exclusives for them.


Halo 5 and gears 4, while flops, also only got those scores because they're part of beloved headlining franchises. 


Halo 5 doesn't deserve above a 5/10 and Gears 4 is 70's range title.  Both games were catastrophic in what they did to their fanbases.


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2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

LOL MS would trade in Gears for Fortnite is a heart beat.

Of course they would, that doesn't negate his retard level post or the fact that 343 and The Coalition's games are more critically well received than both Bungie and Epic post Microsoft. 


They didn't lose some genius level amazing developers, they lost developers who ended up creating worse games than the people who filled their shoes at Microsoft.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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look at Ryan Mcaffrey at IGN. Hates Halo 5, whole review is negative as hell, talks shit about how much he hates it for the past 3 years.


He 9.2'd it because Xbox One needed a W back then. :rofl: Destiny 1 and 2 both take a massive shit on Halo 5, that's a fact, that's why there's more people playing destiny than Halo...on Xbox.

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Just now, Bodycount N said:

look at Ryan Mcaffrey at IGN. Hates Halo 5, whole review is negative as hell, talks shit about how much he hates it for the past 3 years.


He 9.2'd it because Xbox One needed a W back then. :rofl: Destiny 1 and 2 both take a massive shit on Halo 5, that's a fact, that's why there's more people playing destiny than Halo...on Xbox.

Cool beans upset little bitch. Your post was dumb.


6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:



343 meta: 85.33/100

The Coalition meta: 83/100




Bungie meta post Microsoft: 80.5/100

Epic meta post Microsoft: 81/100




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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Cool beans upset little bitch. Your post was dumb.



your scores mean nothing. Destiny was immensely more successful than Halo this gen. MS is kicking themselves right now.


And then the partnership with Sony hurt Xbox even worse this gen to the point where i'd say it was one of the biggest reasons Xbox got it's teeth kicked in at the start of the gen. It was a downright nuclear level catastrophe losing bungie and every xbox fan knows it.

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Just now, Bodycount N said:

your scores mean nothing. Destiny was immensely more successful than Halo this gen. MS is kicking themselves right now.


And then the partnership with Sony hurt Xbox even worse this gen to the point where i'd say it was one of the biggest reasons Xbox got it's teeth kicked in at the start of the gen. It was a downright nuclear level catastrophe losing bungie and every xbox fan knows it.

Halo 5 is at #80 in sales position, Destiny 2 is at #143...



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Naughty Dogs. - Most overrated studio ever. Insomniac. - Garbage in, garbage out. Ratchet and Clank has a million games and they all suck. Sucker Punch - Infamous series fucking sucks, Ghosts of Tsushima looks cool though.


MS entire first party.


Retro Studios. - Second most overrated studio ever. The new Donkey Kong games are awful. The Metroid Prime games were boring as fuck and got progressively worse over time. MP3 was particularly awful. 


Come at me.

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