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Anthem GS review - 6.0

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 Flying is exhilarating, and the views are beautiful
 Experimenting with new loadouts each mission keeps combat fun and satisfying
 Some side characters and their stories are endearing and interesting

 You're frequently forced to land or stay on the ground
 The main story is incredibly difficult to follow
 Playing with others causes pacing issues, while playing solo can be tedious
 Boss fights are underwhelming and lack the excitement found in other combat situations





EA :lul:

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tbh I never got the hype from this one, I thought it looked pretty bad the whole way along. still thought it would at least land in the high 70's/low 80s. Didn't think theyd manage to fall to xbox exclusive level. 

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holy fuck :tom:


this was supposed to be the second 90+ multiplat showpiece for xbox one x, after rdr2. a game that was so good and so technically superior, it would make people want an xbox one x for it, even though it was multiplat. now even if by some miracle it edges out the pro version, itll be a hollow victory at best; more western trash for vini to frame next to metro and ac origins.

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this was the big reveal for Xbox's E3 2017 press conference.


Lemmings were talking about this game being the XBX killer app throughout that entire week.


Game was running on XBX units, they said.:Jeff:


serious question, has the past 6-7 days been the absolute rock-bottom worst days of the entire history of the Xbox platform?

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Its lame as fuck. Idk about the load times, I thought he had a good PC? I have it on a SSD and while they are longer than the average game I have never seen anywhere near 5 minutes. Id say probably always under a minute at worst.

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Goes to show you just how good Bungie are. Destiny has had issues but nothing like the ones Bethesda and Bioware have been experiencing with FO76 and Anthem. These SP primary devs being feeling the pressure of making a giant MP game and failing miserably seems to be a theme. Stick to your strengths!

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