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Microsoft preparing Gamepass for Switch, will publish multiple games on Switch.

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People thought Nintendo was gonna revive a dead and buried game and these madmen go and revive an entire dead and buried company. 

that's a wrap, folks. Wish you would have all seen this coming and sold of your Xboxes while you could. Almost too late now.   Xboner's reveal was literally a deathblow. the brand was sunk b

This thread will be great to look back on one day

3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Yea, I honestly don't see Nintendo putting anything on Xbox.  We're not at that point yet.


It really makes me wonder though.. Nintendo and MS have been friendly with each other lately... and throughout the history of video games, there are quite a few known instances of companies who were going to collaborate, and it usually falls through... but maybe this time Nintendo and MS have been making moves behind the scenes and things are going well?  I don't see Nintendo going back to traditional hardware consoles like PS and Xbox.  So maybe they feel they can both offer each other what the other needs?  It would be crazy.. 


E3 this year :lupe: 

I really feel this has the biggest chance of working because unlike past collaborations where maybe both sides were super protective or picky, this has MS that has it's vision of trying to be everywhere and a deal with Nintendo helps them enter the Japanese market in a way they never have. They'd do it even for nothing in return and just the ability to sell GP to the huge switch market. 


E3 gonna be amazing.  

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Nintendo games on MS would be amazing just to see how quickly the lemmings do a complete 180 and all of a sudden love 'kiddy' Nintendo games. :D


Then same 180 they are gonna do when MS' new studios start churning out cinematic story driven 3rd person games and all of a sudden it's their fav thing ever :D

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Just now, madmaltese said:

I really feel this has the biggest chance of working because unlike past collaborations where maybe both sides were super protective or picky, this has MS that has it's vision of trying to be everywhere and a deal with Nintendo helps them enter the Japanese market in a way they never have. They'd do it even for nothing in return and just the ability to sell GP to the huge switch market. 


E3 gonna be amazing.  

exactly.... MS wants to have a presence in Asia.   Switch gives them access immediately. 

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

I guess the new upcoming damage control line from lemmings will be that Sony got OWNED, because they didn't release PSNOW with all their exclusives on Switch. :monkas:

I can see slow Jonny and DynamiteCop making that argument and actually thinking Sony is teh owned :mj:

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

lol Asia. Didn't Switch sell like 2x + more than XBox in the US.

2x in the US and 1000x in Asia. 


in one week Switch outsold what Xbox has sold in Asia for the lifetime of the brand....... OG Xbox, 360 and XB1 combined :monkas:

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These lemmings are panicking so hard that they TRIED to connect a narrative to theorize that Nintendo games would be coming to Xbox.


LOL oh man, that's legtimately satisfying for me to see.


Reggie just announced he was leaving!!!!!!!! It makes sense, why have Nintendo executives when Microsoft is going to take over!!!


Except that Reggie already announced his successor. LOL Forgot that part.


Nintendo has not made any effort to try to get on any other platform. And the ones they did announce, iOS and Android, they announced those in shareholders meetings a year beforehand.

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1 minute ago, Bodycount N said:

so glad I sold my xbox and switched my collection over to the PS4. would have been stuck with worthless discs and a worthless console.


literally atari jaguar/3do level console. what a trainwreck. they should refund everyone they suckered into buying one.

I was looking at the sale for Xbox One X + Fallout 76 for $350.


And I was thinking to myself "Hmmmm.....if I could somehow get it to drop another $50-$70":patrice:

And then I saw this thread. NEVERMIND.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I was looking at the sale for Xbox One X + Fallout 76 for $350.


And I was thinking to myself "Hmmmm.....if I could somehow get it to drop another $50-$70":patrice:

And then I saw this thread. NEVERMIND.

Saw it coming. everytime I went to sell a game the PS4 version would be worth double. 


PS4 versions of games are always sold out here too, always have tons of xbone copies left though. the console is just not worth spending money on, especially now with gamepass devaluing all the new releases.


don't spend a dime on it

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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Look, I don't doubt that Microsoft would try to get xCloud on Switch, it makes sense for them, it makes sense. BUT, why in the hell would Nintendo allow them to have a streaming app on their console which would directly compete with game sales on their platform which is basically the entirety of where profit is generated? Are they going to require it only be for games they don't offer or can't run? Crossplay in a couple games is one thing, this is some mental gymnastic leaping shit. 





Nintendo makes profit off hardware, they always have. Not to mention the people that buy Nintendo games are still gonna buy Nintendo games.


You think people are gonna stop buying AAAAEs just because they can play Crackdown 5.0? Lmfao.

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