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EDGE Magazine Cover Story: Shenmue III (New Details On Story, Characters, Combat, Locations, Etc.)

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Yu Suzuki is using his documents from 20 years ago that he gathered on Chinese culture in the 1980's, chinese tribes, their customs and villages, he's also traveled to the Fujian Province for direct hands-on research of the people and their lifestyle
* First two games had modern settings, this one is steeped in religion and ancient culture of China
* You start in a village called Bailu, it sounds like the start will be slow paced. People will barely talk to you and won't answer your questions because you're an outsider, there's a dialogue system and you need to complete tasks and become more known around the village before the local people will give you info. If you have Shenhua with you the villagers will be more open with you because they know and trust her.
* Each villager will have their own day-night routine just like the previous games
* Because Ryo is a city boy there's a lot of obliviousness from him and there's funny and interesting conversations because his viewpoint is so different.
* The game is more about looking inward than outward, Suzuki says he wants to look deeper into the Ryo character and we'll learn more about him.
* Same voice actor as before
* A large part of the game is the affinity system between Ryo and Shenhua and a major part of the story of the game is the relationship between the two.
* Combat system looks much smoother and is more RPG based, not just learning skills by repeating moves over and over
Attack power and stamina are the two main stats for combat, stamina is used for everything (sprinting, fighting moves) and can be restored by eating food. eating before doing something strenuous will become routine
* When training you can customize Ryo's clothes into training gear
* Training is done through mini-games, Horse Stance, One inch Punch and more, mostly rhythm based but satisfying to pull off
* Technique scrolls from 1 & 2 return as well as new ones, around 100 in total
* The intricate world building of characters being linked and having back-stories is present in 3
* There's a fight club in another city you can enter where you fight people with nicknames like "The Knee of Death" and "Mach Fist" (voiced by Chris Bellinger)
* At one point you'll have to fight multiple people in these fighting events, people who want to master the combat system will be spending a lot of time fighting in these events. All of the fighting happens in the Rose Garden and is optional.
* Controls are carried over from Shenmue 2 but with analogue stick camera improvements
* Capsule toys are back
* EDGE sound very positive on what they've seen.
* Suzuki stresses how important it is to make the game feel like a Shenmue game, modern games are more open world nowadays but he doesn't want to go that way because then it wouldn't be Shenmue






Time to buy the magazine Dynamite?



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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I will absolutely buy that, also all I care about are sailors and a game of lucky hit!



Yeah the best part in Shenmue 2 was that betting game were to get money to continue the scenario you had to reload spam your save each time you lost. So good.

Edited by Team 2019
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* Suzuki stresses how important it is to make the game feel like a Shenmue game, modern games are more open world nowadays but he doesn't want to go that way because then it wouldn't be Shenmue


Thats the most important piece of info here and is exactly what I wanted to hear.

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23 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

* Suzuki stresses how important it is to make the game feel like a Shenmue game, modern games are more open world nowadays but he doesn't want to go that way because then it wouldn't be Shenmue


Thats the most important piece of info here and is exactly what I wanted to hear.

Fanbase would be pissed otherwise, and it's no like they can compete with AAA open world games. Quest markers, and explosive diarhia on a map. 

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1 minute ago, Bodycount N said:

just platinumed shenmue 1, on to shenmue 2 now.


forgot how bad the last part of shenmue 1 was. The harbour, forklift racing, moving crates for like 4 or 5 hours. complete endurance run.


can't believe i thought it was good back in the day. :D 

I had to use a guide for 3 or 4 day of forklifting to see if I was doing something right. I thought like I was getting trolled. 


Shenmue 2 is on another level of quality. 

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22 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Fanbase would be pissed otherwise, and it's no like they can compete with AAA open world games. Quest markers, and explosive diarhia on a map. 

I love the idea that villagers won't talk to you till you're more well known. I wish NPC interacc was more dynamic in games. I enjoy the idea that you don't always know who or what or how things will transpire amongst NPCs.  


I feel like GTA should of had a 'notoriety  system'  and gangs and bosses WONT accept you for missions if your thang is too low. 

Edited by kokujin
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