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Digital Foundry: Daemon X Machina Demo Analysis

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Still looks fairly interesting imo.

- Producer from the PS2-era Armored Core series involved
- Game is using UE4
- Dynamic resolution up to 1080p docked / 720p undocked, but very rarely / basically never reached (in undocked mode)
- Docked resolution often around 1664*936, portable 896*504, down to 480p
- No AA whatsoever
- Presentation very well liked by John (except for no AA and performance), uses UE4 features such as Global Illumination; Mechs stand "properly" on inclines, likely using inverse kinematics.
- Performance has serious frame-pacing issues, the worst John has seen; additionally, framerate often sub-30fps in battles, down to ~19-20fps in heavy scenes



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50 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

~20 FPS games in 2019?!  :scared::D 

This Demo acts as a Beta where they are asking for User feedback.... speaking of... they reached out to me for feedback.... need to get to it. 


But yea... the game needs some optimization.  Docked Mode is targeting native 1080p (they may need to drop that target and iron out FR issues first) , has too many hud elements on screen,  frame pacing and frame rate issues. 



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50 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

So they sent out a demo and asked for feedback just for the fun of it? 

Who needs feedback for shit performance ? That wasn't obvious to them ? 

Guys are you ok with 15fps ? 


Lmao idiot 

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