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Brad Sams, Xbox Insider from Industry analyst Thurott.com, talks more about MS's 3rd party, streaming future (Selling out their fans games to Nintendo confirmed, Forza Motorsport getting a native game on Switch developed by MicroDick)

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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Yea, but we don't know what MS knows about their services.


Of course, it's not clear cut like how either you... or I, presented it.  It's likely somewhere in the middle, maybe closer to your side than mine, but still enough people to help gain traction... and they have data that supports it.


But look... who the fuck knows... this could all blow up in their face?  I'm just saying, it seems to be and is understandable, that they'd want to profit from Xbox live across all platforms.  They absolutely can't suddenly charge PC gamers and soon others for Xbox live, as well as Gamepass... so they'll figure out creative ways to "add more value" to Gamepass, so that it justifies any increase in cost they might enact as the service becomes more feature filled and supported.


I dunno, this is all guesswork... but it always seemed obvious to me that they'd want to make a little more, specifically from PC and mobile gamers, where they are losing out, with regards to Xbox Live revenue.

I'm thinking that GamePass is going to change the way how Microsoft develops their first party games.


A monthly subscription may mean that they release games in smaller chunks and on-going services.


So, before, when a Halo game was this 12-18 hour single player game, and they had all of the online maps available for day one with all the features. That was a $60 game.


I think they're going to break the single player into episodes that they release over 4 to 6 months, and they will release online modes like Destiny and Anthem to try and keep people returning back month after month.


If they do that to all of their games, I think that will be the root cause of everything falling apart.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I'm thinking that GamePass is going to change the way how Microsoft develops their first party games.


A monthly subscription may mean that they release games in smaller chunks and on-going services.


So, before, when a Halo game was this 12-18 hour single player game, and they had all of the online maps available for day one with all the features. That was a $60 game.


I think they're going to break the single player into episodes that they release over 4 to 6 months, and they will release online modes like Destiny and Anthem to try and keep people returning back month after month.


If they do that to all of their games, I think that will be the root cause of everything falling apart.

It's financial suicide to release a $50+ million dollar game like God of War with no DLC.

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6 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

It's financial suicide to release a $50+ million dollar game like God of War with no DLC.

But Netflix paid $80 million dollars for 4 Dave Chappelle specials. They paid for Alfonso Curaon's Roma.


They're paying $200 for Martin Scorcese, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, and Harvey Keitel to make a gangster movie.


They have "prestige" products, even though the numbers make not make much sense.


I do want to point out........as of this current point in time........Netflix technically has NOT turned a profit, they are investing long-term in the hopes that they grow to a huge percentage.


One of these days, Netflix is going to say "alright...........we gotta charge $15, and family accounts are going to go up to $20 ore more" and who knows what is going to happen with their subscription numbers. Its either going to work, or its going to fall apart.


My overall point is: is Microsoft going to grow this service without a traditional AAA full-featured game?

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I'm thinking that GamePass is going to change the way how Microsoft develops their first party games.


A monthly subscription may mean that they release games in smaller chunks and on-going services.


So, before, when a Halo game was this 12-18 hour single player game, and they had all of the online maps available for day one with all the features. That was a $60 game.


I think they're going to break the single player into episodes that they release over 4 to 6 months, and they will release online modes like Destiny and Anthem to try and keep people returning back month after month.


If they do that to all of their games, I think that will be the root cause of everything falling apart.

Well, I'm sure that for some studios it will change their plans for how they release and support those titles across time.. as well as which 3rd party games MS tries to secure for their service.. but overall, I think MS' plan is to just buy a decent amount of developers to provide a relatively consistent flow of new games, as well as service based games which evolve over time.


I really do believe that MS is allowing developers to now make the games they want to make, and they are strategically choosing developers with expertise in different areas/genres, in an attempt to naturally have them cover all their bases.  Of course the GaaS titles from the stable will be executed to their desires, but they won't/can't have TOO many of them.. otherwise they will cannibalize their own market.


They'll do what they can to have people maintain their subscriptions.

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

Episodic won't work as well in gaming as movies. I think MS realized this. For SP at least

So that may mean that Microsoft has to provide enough new single-player games at such a pace that is satisfactory to the people paying the subscription.


Yeah, they can throw Fallout 3 on there, there may be people who haven't played FO3. But alot of people already have, so they add the game, but for a good chunk of consumers, they don't consider it to be much in value.


And who knows, people may be trying every single game on there, some of them they end up playing all the way, some of them they end up messing with it for 2 hours and they decide it sucks.  They're gonna get to the point where the PAST library no longer anything for them..........so now how fact is MS going to deliver single-player content?

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Just now, jehurey said:

So that may mean that Microsoft has to provide enough new single-player games at such a pace that is satisfactory to the people paying the subscription.


Yeah, they can throw Fallout 3 on there, there may be people who haven't played FO3. But alot of people already have, so they add the game, but for a good chunk of consumers, they don't consider it to be much in value.


And who knows, people may be trying every single game on there, some of them they end up playing all the way, some of them they end up messing with it for 2 hours and they decide it sucks.  They're gonna get to the point where the PAST library no longer anything for them..........so now how fact is MS going to deliver single-player content?

Not to mention.. and this is just a simple truth.. is that because Gamepass is a service which has many games, individual games not being of the highest quality tempers expectations.  Getting games like Forza Horizon 4, which in itself an incredible title and value, really (no fanboy shit.. that's a well made game) and Halo and Gears... those are good games, and enough for people to be satisfied.


There's also the point that MS says that Gamepass has actually increased unit sales of games since it's introduction.. so being able to try these games, has had a favorable impact on people's game purchasing habits.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

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Its funny to watch XBox fan channels, the one that were posting MS is getting killer exclusives, XBox will destroy PS5 in first party exclusives. Key word wait for exclusives etc etc.  All now change their tune that you're stuck in the PS2 era now that you don't want XBox games going multiplat, literally the opposite of the shit content they've been peddling literally for YEARS. :D

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10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

The only smart person here, at least as far as this is concerned.

This is SW; once you reach for the shoe, we all just assume it's going to drop. th_doc.gif

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I will be blown the fuck away if MS makes a Native version of Forza or any major first party title for Switch. Blown the fuck away. Gamepass via streaming on switch I can see. But some form of Horizon lite exclusive on switch....surely not. 

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