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Seamus Blackley - Don Mattrick irony didn't Believe Xbox was Possible

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And Phil is even worse.


I heard Seamus talking on a podcast recently, he conceded xbox was dead and said Xbox's legacy was that it existed to make Playstation better. (He said without MS sony would never have online like they do now).


That's it, that's the creator of the Xbox. Pretty much the whole team had zero faith in the console from the beginning, now we know why they failed so hard. Complete pet project mentality. We were all blinded by the fluke success of the Xbox 360, and sony initially pricing themselves out out of the market with the PS3.


It was always going to end this way.

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12 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

And Phil is even worse.


I heard Seamus talking on a podcast recently, he conceded xbox was dead and said Xbox's legacy was that it existed to make Playstation better. (He said without MS sony would never have online like they do now).


That's it, that's the creator of the Xbox. Pretty much the whole team had zero faith in the console from the beginning, now we know why they failed so hard. Complete pet project mentality. We were all blinded by the fluke success of the Xbox 360, and sony initially pricing themselves out out of the market with the PS3.


It was always going to end this way.

Like the CEO that put Office and other MS trash on android and iOS at the expense of Windows phones gives a fuck about XBox hardware. :kaz:  

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In retrospect, the original xbox was probably the weakest console that generation If it wasn't for the Sega leftovers, Team Ninja (Itagaki specifically and his friendships/fanboyness for MS,  and Halo 1 and 2, it's realistically a pretty poor console. That's why it has no collector's market today, the games are literally the most worthless of all the 6th gen systems.


360 was an extremely lucky situation. Sony priced out of the console market + nintendo changing focus to casual games. Both of MS's competitors basically folded, and the 360 soaked up all the great games as a result. Perfect timing, good hardware, everything came together for the 360, and then MS flushed it all down the drain. 


ONE is of course on 3d0/jaguar levels of disaster. zero exclusives, zero collector's market, and probably the console that takes MS out of the hardware contest.


1/3 isn't a good track record. not at all. They know the only way forward is to put their (paltry) software offerings on systems where they can actually sell.


This is a textbook Atari/ Sega situation, just we are all actually old enough + cognizant enough to see and understand what's going on. Xbox will be the forgotten console brand from our lifetimes. :D 


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