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Bonnie Ross, the Unattractive SJW Gargoyle in charge of Halo Inffeminate, upset that there are not enough females applying for jobs at Microsoft that she can insta-give a job to

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17 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

I don't give a fuck really. The whole "we need more representation from so and so group" thing is getting out of hand. It's odd that the concern isn't coming from those group that are supposedly under represented in whatever bullshit area, it comes from a white person (usually a woman) who thinks they know what other groups want out of life. Virtue signalling is so fucking fake. 

Exactly. Get the most qualified person for the job. There I said it:"PERSON" holy shit. fuck this gender psycho bullshit :tom:

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49 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

yeah, and shes actually pretty cute




she looks like someone dropped a brick on a blobfish. 

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11 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

So her issue is that it's actually difficult to hire more women due to the competition in place in her industry?



This is 100% true.  Women are in high demand in IT in general, and in the subset of the game industry, competition for women is insanely high.  This makes it painfully easy for women to get a few years experience, then just start hopping jobs for higher salaries.

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3 minutes ago, McWicked said:

This is 100% true.  Women are in high demand in IT in general, and in the subset of the game industry, competition for women is insanely high.  This makes it painfully easy for women to get a few years experience, then just start hopping jobs for higher salaries.

Let's hire people on the basis of their sexes. Gotta meet the quotas.


And let's not forget races. We need some token black people in here too! Fuck Asian though, they are over represented in science.


You're such a fucking bitch. lmao, leftist are so obsessed by identity politics, they've become sexist and racist in their quest for equality. Fuck hiring people based on merits and skills. What's important is what's between their legs, the color of their skin and their sexual orientation.



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13 minutes ago, McWicked said:

This is 100% true.  Women are in high demand in IT in general, and in the subset of the game industry, competition for women is insanely high.  This makes it painfully easy for women to get a few years experience, then just start hopping jobs for higher salaries.

You hire based on skill, previous record. Not fucking gender ratio quotas. You people are insane. If the best candidate happens to be a woman, she gets hired because she's a fit for the studio and franchise based on her pedigree.



Edited by Team 2019
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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

You hire based on skill, previous record. Not fucking gender ratio quotas. You people are insane.



But then women wouldn't be able to compete in software engineering because 9 out of 10 times men are better quantitative and analytical thinkers :tom5:

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How many women vs men since 2001 grew up playing Halo? Obviously men have way more experience with the franchise because they played the games, and they were the target audience. So even if its not an IT job, the chances of a female recruit having more FPS pedigree in gameplay design is borderline zero. A game like Final Fantasy with a huge female userbase ratio will obviously have a much more balanced ratio because its a game culture thats female friendly..


Some games by default are male or female centric, and a female needs to have talent out the ass to surpass the male candidates.

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

How many women vs men since 2001 grew up playing Halo? Obviously men have way more experience with the franchise because they played the games, and they were the target audience. So even if its not an IT job, the chances of a female recruit having more FPS pedigree in gameplay design is borderline zero. A game like Final Fantasy with a huge female userbase ratio will obviously have a much more balanced ratio because its a game culture thats female friendly..


Some games by default are male or female centric, and a female needs to have talent out the ass to surpass the male candidates.

MS gameplan was not to make new games featuring a diverse cas,t but to rewrite their military shooters to feature women, trannies, and bulldykes. :D 

And they wonder why their fans ran to PS4.

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The fact that the first thing people ITT looked at if the female is hot or not, should tell you all you need to know how this "unbaised" recruitment will go. Half of them will be fucking the higher ups for their position, salary etc.


Seen this way too many times with iterns.

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:

Let's hire people on the basis of their sexes. Gotta meet the quotas.


And let's not forget races. We need some token black people in here too! Fuck Asian though, they are over represented in science.


You're such a fucking bitch. lmao, leftist are so obsessed by identity politics, they've become sexist and racist in their quest for equality. Fuck hiring people based on merits and skills. What's important is what's between their legs, the color of their skin and their sexual orientation.




9 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

You hire based on skill, previous record. Not fucking gender ratio quotas. You people are insane. If the best candidate happens to be a woman, she gets hired because she's a fit for the studio and franchise based on her pedigree.




I just state the reality of the industry and these two incels got all fucking pissy about it. :roff: 

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1. Affirmative action has been applied for white men without calling it affirmative action. Maybe something like "reminds me of me when I was younger" bs


2. Affirmative action can give companies that apply it government subsidy. I remember applying for a job where they asked me if I wanted to fill out this racial thing and later my manager explaining the awkwardness was them not trying to say they'd save money hiring me.

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