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neckbeards are trying too hard to fight against Captain Marvel

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Everybody on every side is constantly crying about these fake controversies    lefties: “white males are evil and they hurt my feelings”   right wing: “I’m a white male and now you

comments section:   Calling it now: Captain Marvel will defeat Thanos by pulling up his homophobic tweets from 2009.  

movie is getting trashed even by all the biggest legit review channels               

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7 minutes ago, lostfool said:

Same ones that freaked out when the main protagonist in Star Trek Discovery is a black woman

Shes awesome. 


No one cares Captain Marvel (written as a female character) is a female in the movies. What bugged them was what she said. 

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2 minutes ago, zwarior said:

Captain Marvel started in the comics as a White man first :jordan3:

So even 50 year old comic books had stories of people becoming different genders.:ooh:


Carol Danvers and Mar-vell's genes melded together, almost like some sort of hormone therapy!! :ooh::ooh:

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every superhero movie is as bad as the new ghostbuster movie. boring and a provocation. 


Movies suck nowadays way too many awful jokes and no substance. And then negro actors get wild because they think it's about feminism. :alien:

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this bitch ugly too, forget a forehead, that girls got a fat fivehead going on


I'd check her for male pattern baldness gene. higher levels of T in her bloodstream for sure, in fact I presume since she's employed in hollywood, it was a man that transitioned previously.


Be gone, evil demon, crawl back into your hole. Your movie has flopped, get back to your obscure C tier TV shows or better yet, one of those crappy plays that has-been actors are forced to do



  • Haha 2
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