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Has Microsoft Killed The Xbox Brand As We Know It?

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6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Yes.  If they release a nice piece of hardware, of course it will sell... but as I said... they need great games.  Halo Infinite has to come out and be amazing, and they have to have a couple other amazing showpiece titles.


Of course I know... they have to actually DO it... but assuming they do.. they could easily sell tons of units.  There's a big base of XBOTS out there which will buy them regardless...


And Sony could always fuck up...  You seem to think it couldn't happen, but I assure you, it can.  Google and other outside forces don't just pressure MS... let's see what Sony does.

Way way too many variable to at BEST get a 360 level success on hardware, which by the way wasn't even impressive. It doesn't solve anything, no one at MS is banking on that or making plans. 


There's a way higher chance that Halo Infinite will just launch alongside on Playstation and Switch by late 2020, than Sony pulling a PS3. And they just go Steam/Windows store style - Buy where you perfer.


I don't think even MS even seriously believes in XBox hardware as anything other than a stop gap at this point.

Edited by Team 2019
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We're all going to be Lemmings. Well, part Lemming when you really think about it.

I'm going to laugh my fuggin' nuts off if the reason Nintendo shat the bed with their online system is because they've been in talks with Microsoft to bring XBL over.

He'll be back.  This is the only place he can go where he can be an ignorant dumbass and not be banned.

Just now, lynux3 said:

Nah man... this is where only a select portion of the market will be going eventually. You have to take into consideration that cloud gaming isn't going to a meaningful experience for most people with high latency issues. Latency can't just be solved with software it can only be masked and it can't apply to every single game. The only way to solve latency is infrastructure and the majority of the world doesn't have it.


The entire company is designed around providing cloud infrastructure for hosting enterprise applications for small to large businesses and provide them enterprise office applications for workflow, management, etc. Their cloud is just now being built around cloud gaming applications which is why they're investing so heavily into it because it's simply not there. They aren't forging anything and have been playing catch up for years.


Yeah, they're totally designed for this, despite Microsoft announcing that they're designing a cloud gaming platform. That makes sense.


I'll tell you what was up with the xCloud demo... you were seeing significant latency on top of a game that already has a decent amount of input latency. Get ready to be extremely disappointed with Project xCloud. You will not only see worse or on par latency with existing platforms (PlayStation Now, Project Stream), but worse image quality because the entire platform is running on custom Xbox One S servers.


LOL no...


The market you're referring to... is already out there and waiting.... the MAIN market will LOSE some to this new tech if anything...  What this is is an EXPANSION of the market.  I can't seem to beat that shit into your guys' heads :shake: 


And no the company is uniquely positioned to utilize the infrastructure THEY ALREADY HAVE... as well as expand it MUCH MORE than Sony or Nintendo...  They aren't playing catch up at all lmfao...  Their entire STACK is built and improving... they've already announced their services for phones, Switch... and of course... the PC.  You're fucking clueless if you think Sony is anywhere NEAR what MS is on this shit.  Sony's got PS Now running off some PS3's in an abandoned building somewhere...  They've got a shit ton of work to do... and they know it.


And yes, they ARE designed for this...  uniquely designed for this out of the 3 traditional console manufacturers.  It plays into their ENTIRE COMPANY'S future...


And your last paragraph... LOL.. nah.  When this shit is ready, things will be solid . 5G will be rolling out, their next gen controllers will likely have even less latency, there will be improvements to streaming tech and compression.. ect ect.

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7 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Way way too many variable to at BEST get a 360 level success on hardware, which by the way wasn't even impressive. It doesn't solve anything, no one at MS is banking on that or making plans. 


There's a way higher chance that Halo Infinite will just launch alongside on Playstation and Switch by late 2020, than Sony pulling a PS3. And they just go Steam/Windows store style - Buy where you perfer.


I don't think even MS even seriously believes in XBox hardware as anything other than a stop gap at this point.

That's because Xbox hardware IS a stop gap.  I told you MS will continue to release "a box" because there's a group out there who just wants to buy a box and go.  In the future, their hardware will simply be a small form factor PC running Windows 10.  Specifically a game oriented version of it.


But again, console sales will become LESS AND LESS important in the future... Hitting X number will not mean anything.  It will be active users and subscribers.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

That's because Xbox hardware IS a stop gap.  I told you MS will continue to release "a box" because there's a group out there who just wants to buy a box and go.  In the future, their hardware will simply be a small form factor PC running Windows 10.  Specifically a game oriented version of it.

We're not going to go into this debate again, since it's pointless. The gyst of the idea is that a dedicated hardware box isn't turning anything around fast for them, the details of the debate are irrelevant.


They want explosive growth, they are hoping the XCloud is that. It's let's be real at this point they'd get more growth out of flatout going multiplat than by gaining access to whatever the PS4/Switch and future console userbases will be than anything. If they want immediate results, and that's what MS's CEO is hounding Phil on.



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8 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

LOL no...


The market you're referring to... is already out there and waiting.... the MAIN market will LOSE some to this new tech if anything...  What this is is an EXPANSION of the market.  I can't seem to beat that shit into your guys' heads :shake: 


And no the company is uniquely positioned to utilize the infrastructure THEY ALREADY HAVE... as well as expand it MUCH MORE than Sony or Nintendo...  They aren't playing catch up at all lmfao...  Their entire STACK is built and improving... they've already announced their services for phones, Switch... and of course... the PC.  You're fucking clueless if you think Sony is anywhere NEAR what MS is on this shit.  Sony's got PS Now running off some PS3's in an abandoned building somewhere...  They've got a shit ton of work to do... and they know it.


And yes, they ARE designed for this...  uniquely designed for this out of the 3 traditional console manufacturers.  It plays into their ENTIRE COMPANY'S future...


And your last paragraph... LOL.. nah.  When this shit is ready, things will be solid . 5G will be rolling out, their next gen controllers will likely have even less latency, there will be improvements to streaming tech and compression.. ect ect.



You're right, the market is already out there. That's why PlayStation Now is the biggest game streaming platform. The main market will continue as it is now for the foreseeable future. You can't seem to beat this shit into anyone's head because no one is as delusional as you are.


No company is uniquely positioned... yet somehow Microsoft's cloud is already designed around this. Nice back pedal. They're playing catch up plain and simple, accelerated the process even after Google announced Project Stream and successfully publicly demonstrated it through a beta. No one gives a fuck what platform their service is announced to support.


You're fucking clueless because Sony is already taking advantage of infrastructure they didn't need to build or maintain. They simply rent space/power and provide their service on the world's leading cloud platform, Amazon Web Services. Sony not only has custom PlayStation 3 hardware they built more than 4 years ago and improved their design around, but they also have it running on a superior platform as well, the base PS4. Sony is already 4-7 years ahead of Microsoft in terms of providing this type of service and infrastructure via their Gakai acquisition (2012) and buying up all of OnLive's relevant patents (2015). There's plenty of work to be done for everyone, but more so for those just now coming in. You just don't fabricate a cloud gaming network out of thin air; it requires research, development and most importantly deployment.


PlayStation Now is now operating in the three major territories in the world... NA, EU and JP. Live production services that is, but wait... Microsoft's cloud is already designed for this. :D


My last paragraph is 100% correct. Latency, latency, latency... not even 5G will save you. It's going to be years before 5G catches on and it'll be subpar for years just like 4G LTE was. You seem to think that because Microsoft or Amazon Web Services have some badass state of the art data center that all is saved. It doesn't matter, all of that stops at the data center and then relies on other, out of their control, infrastructure to carry the rest of the load. You're delusional as fuck if you think that's going to save anyone's cloud gaming platform.


Yes, of course streaming technology can improve (which I already stated), but it can only go so far. Infrastructure, that Microsoft can't control, plays the majority role. You act like Microsoft's data centers have direct connections to residential areas. :shake: 


Compression doesn't mean fuck all. Gaming relies on good image quality of course, but latency is number one for gaming. You can't compress latency, dipshit, learn2physics. Seeing that Project xCloud is run on the worst console this generation (Xbox One S) latency is going to be even worse because most games run at 30fps or lower, and lately those games have been lower than 30fps. Throwing a controller into the mix doesn't mean shit, I can have a controller directly connected to a console's USB interface and the game will still have latency locally (outside of the display). Some games are designed to have latency... the next best step to reduce latency or mask it is to raise framerates (which isn't going to happen for xCloud) or eliminate portions of the hardware like the controller for HDMI output which has latency itself... but guess what? The PS3 and PS4 hardware running PlayStation Now has already eliminated these factors. What's next? There's no magic formula that's going to solve latency unless there's an infrastructure upgrade outside of the data center... you can have 2Tbps bandwidth, but still have 15-30ms latency overhead to your nearest border gateway. After that the latency continues to go up and up as you traverse hop after hop.


So unless Microsoft plans to have a data center next to everyone's neighborhood latency will always be a factor for cloud gaming versus local gaming. Some people will have acceptable experiences with cloud gaming, but most will not. If most didn't then I think PlayStation Now would be a much, much bigger platform than it is now.

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OMFG I checked the Crapgamer podcast, some guy is bashing Sony idiots that want exclusives and console warriors. Then says MS could buy Sony if they wanted to with a snap of a finger. Basically Sony is already dead, and irrelevant already.


Anyone that wants exclusives is a dinosaur. He was hyping the "exclusives" MS would get from their bought developers  a few months ago. Then someone calls in and says are you suggesting Nintendo puts all their games on other systems. :kaz:



EDIT: They are literally shouting all the time in a fit of fucking rage. :D

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PSnow's issue isn't tech. It's that Sony is protective of their console market, and more importantly their first party isn't suited to cheap monthly subs like God of War or Spiderman. Their output is designed around big hits, not a steady stream of filler content.


Also that doesn't mean MS will be able content that will interest the average say phone streamer even if they put all their games there, simply because the audience might not be interested in the type of content.

Edited by Team 2019
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