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So reviewers were apparently not getting advanced copies of Sekiro to review

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But review copies are confirmed out in the wild.  People (reviewers specifically) are playing it on PSN confirmed.




And apparently some reviews are speaking quite highly of it, saying they expect 91-94 meta scores.


The other thing is.. people are speculating that there's some big twist either in the gameplay or the story which FROM/Activision absolutely don't want revealed, so they were limiting the amount of review copies going out to only trusted outlets, which aren't supposed to speak about any embargo.


I'm too fucking hyped for this game.  Next Thursday night/Friday can't come soon enough :blessed: 

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I didn't ask for details, as I'm staying in the dark for this game. He did say that he's never been more excited to talk about a game in his 8 years of games coverage, and that Fromsoftware has done it again, it's another Miyazaki masterpiece.

Embargo is very strict for good reason also.


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3 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

what is this twist they're talking about... sci fi... robots?

Not sure.  I heard somewhere that there could be a "supernatural element/horror element" to the game though.  Wouldn't put much faith in that being it though.


Maybe it DOES actually tie into Tenchu somehow?  Or perhaps there IS a multiplayer component which doesn't become available until part way through the game?  Who knows?


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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Lol since when is DMC5 some kind of high benchmark for anything. Sekiro being better should be a normal expectation.

To be fair, I'm speaking more of how they could be reviewed compared to each other rather than what will be the actual better game, which for me personally, I know will be Sekiro.  They're different styles of games.  Some people naturally will like one over the other and vice versa.  Certain elements of Sekiro could prove divisive compared to DMC5... especially considering people might still be under the illusion that this is a Souls game... Reviews could suffer because it's "not souls enough", "where is the customization?", "where is the MP?"... ect ect.



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44 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's not real, it's a simulation which collapses towards the end of of the game and you have to fight your way out of the laboratory and compound you've been jacked into. 

This is the kind of trash lemmings would love. Why not turn it into a shooter at the same time :tom:

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i had a dream about this game.


oddly enough it looked like vietnam from jimbo pictures and then I was suddenly at a huge raid at some temple with my ninja friends and i hit one of them too many times and he started crying.


my character also adopted a chihuahua that could equip dota 2 items. 


or something like that it was wild. i could also talk to my ninja squad afterwards and had to hit a different button for a conversation every time. 


dreams are funny sometimes. i think i want to play this or go to vietnam idk

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Copies are now out in the wild as well.




And apparently the game is VERY hard.  Especially for souls vets who think they know what they're in for and will try to play the game in a certain way..apparently lol


One well known Dark Souls player said.. "there's no cheesing the enemies in this game" meaning no roll roll backstab shit.  Enemies are fast.. and they said some of the mini-bosses are tougher than any in any souls game.  Also, you need to use your entire arsenal to take on multiple enemies at once.. because they'll call for help and make your life miserable.  They said though that you have ways of getting out of danger (traversal) to collect your bearings and find different ways to overcome your enemies.





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