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Being a game collector

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Look at all these kiddie consoles I've collected over the years!  This one I had to pay a premium for and then upgrade to a faggy pink case.. but I got the mouse and keyboard for it for free!  Truly a blessing! :glad: 



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You guys just don't understand it, it's more than just the physicality of it, it's an encapsulation of time itself, something which requires preservation and it's educational. It's something a person like me can go to and understand from its roots, it's something I can say I was around for in the beginning and will also likely see to its end at least in a traditional sense. It's a roadmap for something I've enjoyed my entire life and can simply grab something off the shelf which can bring back thoughts and memories I've not had in decades. Friends which have past, a summer vacation between school years, time spent with my mom skipping a day of school to go buy Goldeneye, late nights multiplayer sessions. 


You can hate on it all you want, but regardless of the space it takes; the joy and remembrance it brings for a life lived has no equal. 

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I can't fathom having a digital collection of what is essentially nothing. Paying $80 a pop for a game that exists on some dumb account with a dumb login and a password.


that's like literally not even owning shit. fine for a $5 digital only game, but a full release?


Digital is a complete rip off.


Case is Red BTW :glad: 

Edited by Bodycount N
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You could have collected Furby's or Cabbage Patch Kids and furnished your own man cave twice over, and got your roof re-done for what these guys think they'll be able to sell their collection they would never actually be able to part with.

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1 hour ago, Bodycount N said:

I can't fathom having a digital collection of what is essentially nothing. Paying $80 a pop for a game that exists on some dumb account with a dumb login and a password.


that's like literally not even owning shit. fine for a $5 digital only game, but a full release?


Digital is a complete rip off.


Case is Red BTW :glad: 



You can't be serious.  

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its easy to have this attitude if you dont partake/dont have access to the true gems of the medium like sony 1st party titles and various Japanese xcluded titles.


if the only games i played were those on  ea/hobo pass, i wouldnt collect games either, because i cant become attached to games that are literally disposable junk.

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