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Google's presentation is tomorrow and no one leaked anything

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No insiders chimed in. No patents. No job listing for developers or hiring. No secret purchases. Nothing.


I think it's safe to assume.

1. Traditional console isnt happening 

2. They have no first party and it's not coming.

3. It's streaming only, and multiplat games streaming at that.


The only question is what kind of partnerships and dongles they'll have for a multiplat based streaming service imo.

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15 minutes ago, Remij_ said:


I always expected this to be a cloud based thing, so just a controller makes sense. What matters is who they have onboard. 

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1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

Just a controller makes so much sense. 

yeah imagine someone saying that in the 90s 

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Take with biggest grain of salt ever 

- The service is called "google stream", the hardware is called "google streamcast"
- The hardware is a controller and a box with gigabit ethernet port and HDMI 2.1.
- Above 60fps supported on capable displays.
- No powerbrick, designed for portability
- Also a smart TV app coming with support, PC support through Chrome browser and a dedicated app as well as smartphones.
- Certain games can be downloaded and run locally on PC, developer discretion for this one.

Software list:
-Jet Set Revolution (Exclusive)
-Persona 5
-Doom Eternal
-Every ubisoft game from this generation is coming, montage video.
-Watchdogs 3
-Teaser for a project lead by Amy Hennig (Futuristic uncharted) (Exclusive)
-Final Fantasy montage (7,8,9,10,12,13 trilogy and 15)
-Final Fantasy VII short teaser ending with a "Come see us at E3"


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3 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Fake. Persona 5 no doesn't even have a PC port, chances of it coming to Google stream are very low.

The rumor is that Sega and Google are in a deep partnership... lmao.. the PC not having something has nothing to do with what's possible for this console...


It's very likely fake.. but cmon..

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20 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

you never know what they're capable of, MS is the only company in gaming history stupid enough to offer no exclusive content. I don't expect google to be as retarded.


Their streaming service works in a browser and you can use a PS4 or Switch Pro controller with it. There is zero hardware investment.

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