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lemkids this is your captain speaking

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Wait a minute........this message about Xbox turned into a sermon for Incels.


And it wasn't even subtle, either; it became apparent by the third sentence.


The Xbox is the great metaphor for those people. Committing to something that is guaranteed to not have any payoff.

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Those Capcom games being better on PS4 or just not clearly better on X were the last straw tbh, that's just inexcusable. Also had too many issues with the OS and OneDrive not working properly :reg: 

And 2 controllers that broke down, 1 where the charge port flopped and the other where the mic port went out. Was able to sell that one at the game store since they don't test that shit :mj: 

Edited by bhytre
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6 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

I always wondered, how do they fuckup this badly? How can it be this bad?


Turns out the whole time, Phil was actually actively trying to kill off the console. :D That's when it all started to make sense.

Mattrick killed Xbox.  Phil salvaged what he could.  That's the literal truth.

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Kinect was already the bad omen to be honest, there was no going back from that casual approach.

Too bad because before that Xbox was a beast of a system for real hardcore gamers, they sold us out :dame:

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Mattrick killed Xbox.  Phil salvaged what he could.  That's the literal truth.

there was many ways Phil could have taken xbox. Many directions.


Had he have scaled back, kept Xbox as a niche console, even with just halo/gears/forza as exclusives, he could have kept the hardcore, diehard fans happy. Real exclusives, even one would have made them happy.


He chose his path. Abandon the hardcore. Throw the hardcore gamer out. He chose that.


It's on him 100%, no excuses. His vision for xbox just sucked ass and the fans paid the ultimate price.

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

You know you want to play Smash Ultimate... your inner sheep is calling you back:tom5:

I bet not one SW sheep played it online in the past week, stop shilling :tom:

Nintendo is stuck in the past, the online still stinks and the games are the same old crap. 

Maybe when a Ditch revision comes out I'd get one but right now it's an unappealing turd of a handheld and not a serious system :reg: 

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