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PS5 Controller bundled with Dev kits, RUMOUR

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Original rumour assuming the controller is real.


PS experience returning, Most devs already have dev kits for ps5 ( Spoiler: It’s a monster), Sony prepping hard for ps5 and one of the reason for no e3 next year because they blew all their load this year and got nothing new to show next year (They want to show new stuff at psx)
4K/60 stable and at the same time kinda monster
Small reveal mid 2019, Big one at psx, Plans might change though
Only thing i can tell right now for specs is Ryzen 8 core, Price is 500$
PS VR 2 on the other hand will have no breaker box this time around it’ll be inside the console
No Breaker Box
Has a Camera (DS5 is going to have that too)
New Ps move controllers
They are also testing some gloves to go with the vr
Asked about potential launch games:
Tlou 2, Death Stranding, That samurai game and off course the main event
Release date:
It’s either March or November, Not confirmed which one it’ll be
No 1.5-2 years from now, It’s coming out in 2020. They want March 2020 but might get pushed to November 2020

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It looks alright I guess.


I like that it's a bit meatier, the PS4 controller is still too small and clearly designed with the Japanese market in mind. At least it's not made for childrens hands like the PS3 one was.


I don't like that they're including another touchscreen and those speakers. The touchpad or whatever it's called has never been used in a good way on the PS4...at best it's an extra button (which could be included for much cheaper) and at worst it's part of some dumb mechanic. I'd rather them use the cost associated with that to make the build quality of the rest of the controller better. Or better battery life. Or bluetooth. Anything functional.


It's too bad the days of awesome new controller designs are over but the reality is that there's very little improvements to be made on the general design of controllers we have now. At least as long as the majority of games still play similar to the way they have for the past few generations. For the $60 pricepoint that I assume they're aiming for there's not much that can be done. You can throw on some different sticks, fiddle with the trigger weight and that sort of thing but it'll still be 4 face buttons, dual sticks, 2 shoulder buttons and 2 triggers.


Edited by Casual
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