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So apparently the Streaming Wars are going to be way more than XCloud, Amazon, Stadia nd Apple

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"The entire industry is going to be turned upside down in the next ~5 years. Everything will change, and no one is safe.
Google, Amazon, and Apple are just the tip of new players wanting to get in on gaming. There are several more gigantic companies looking to break in, and acquisitions are the quickest way to do that.

Which raises the pressure on the current players to keep up..."




The streaming wars haven't even started and they are already more overcrowded than the god damn console market. This is the CD 32bit get all over again with tons of corpses and dead products in the works.

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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

There's literally only three companies in the world which can sustain and endure this, it doesn't matter how many enter only three are capable of lasting. 

yeah microsoft, microsoft and microsoft, am I right? 

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Apple's shit is going to just fade into the rest of their mediocre services.  Remember Apple introducing music streaming?


At the end of the day, they have to broker deals to get video games from traditional 3rd Parties.


Trying to take indie developers, and hoping they'll create some killer app is not going to work. Facebook has money, and has been paying for development, and they may have some good games, but none of them have broken through to become a killer app.


We're talking about something that justified an entire platform like Halo coming out in 2001.


They'd probably have to buy a major franchise from a well-known developer and have it be exclusive. Like Google paying $300-$400 million for sole exclusivity for the next Splinter Cell game.

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3 hours ago, Pureis said:

Yeah Walmart is one of them


Can't wait :mj:

Walmart needs to just fucking die.  Every single walmart I've ever been in, and it does not matter where, just feels like stepping into the great depression.  They all have 15 checkout lanes but there's only ever one person working, and one person watching the self-checkout, which barely even works.  Nobody there gives a shit about maintaining the store, it's a nightmare trying to find someone to grab something from behind a display case for you, and the only area that seems semi-staffed is the auto-shop, which I never need to go to, anyway.


Fuck Walmart. :meh: 

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5 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

There's literally only three companies in the world which can sustain and endure this, it doesn't matter how many enter only three are capable of lasting. 

Just like how only major companies won the movie streaming war

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2 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

The best thing is that PCs will be powering most of them.. then eventually all of them (MSFT) :juggle: 

PosC gaming ruining everything as usual, nothing to juggle about FAGGOT :laff:

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If that is the case then the best thing to do is just sit back and wait to see who survives. For all the talk of Nintendo and Sony being in trouble it is much more worrying if there is 5 or so streaming services competing against each other especially when most are going to rely on multiplat games. Sony and Nintendo will always have their first party titles and in the end, games is what matters.

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3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

If that is the case then the best thing to do is just sit back and wait to see who survives. For all the talk of Nintendo and Sony being in trouble it is much more worrying if there is 5 or so streaming services competing against each other especially when most are going to rely on multiplat games. Sony and Nintendo will always have their first party titles and in the end, games is what matters.

And hardware. The pie for streaming is going to be so sliced up it's going to be so oversaturated.

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