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LAs great gun laws at work: Rapper Nipsey Hussle shot dead

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2 minutes ago, McWicked said:



Comprehensive gun control backed by CDC studies is not "full out firearms" bans.  I own a Marlin 336 lever action rifle.  I used to go deer hunting with it about once a year.

I guess it was just Jerry, then. Easy to get you two mixed up. 

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Let's not bring up the inconvenient fact that the largest mass shootings in your country involved legally purchased firearms...     Columbine - Dude's girlfriend (who was the age of maj

the only weapon i own is between my legs

Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back. 

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Just now, ghostz said:

I guess it was just Jerry, then. Easy to get you two mixed up. 

You get lots of things mixed up, Ghostz. :cruise: 

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Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back. 

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4 hours ago, ghostz said:

Pretty sure @jehurey and @McWicked have called for full out firearms bans.....on several occasions. 

No, I haven't.


Even Dynocrap knows I haven't because I typed it out in full for him about a couple of weeks ago.


You really do have the worst reading comprehension on this entire forum.

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2 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back. 

I don't know how the gun nuts have warped the 2nd Amendment to get all of us to forget the "well regulated militia" part



A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Its right fucking there.  If Congress had any balls, they would've taken control of this issue and not allowed the 2nd amendment gun nuts go out of control with their demands. The Republican party is too scared to even touch it, because they rely too much on that base of voters.

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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I don't know how the gun nuts have warped the 2nd Amendment to get all of us to forget the "well regulated militia" part


Its right fucking there.  If Congress had any balls, they would've taken control of this issue and not allowed the 2nd amendment gun nuts go out of control with their demands. The Republican party is too scared to even touch it, because they rely too much on that base of voters.

The U.S. Supreme Court revisited the issue in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). The plaintiff in Heller challenged the constitutionality of the Washington D.C. handgun ban, a statute that had stood for 32 years. Many considered the statute the most stringent in the nation. In a 5-4 decision, the Court, meticulously detailing the history and tradition of the Second Amendment at the time of the Constitutional Convention, proclaimed that the Second Amendment established an individual right for U.S. citizens to possess firearms and struck down the D.C. handgun ban as violative of that right.



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5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

The U.S. Supreme Court revisited the issue in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (07-290). The plaintiff in Heller challenged the constitutionality of the Washington D.C. handgun ban, a statute that had stood for 32 years. Many considered the statute the most stringent in the nation. In a 5-4 decision, the Court, meticulously detailing the history and tradition of the Second Amendment at the time of the Constitutional Convention, proclaimed that the Second Amendment established an individual right for U.S. citizens to possess firearms and struck down the D.C. handgun ban as violative of that right.



Except I'm talking about the "well regulated" part.


A person can be a ONE-MAN militia........sure.


But they should still be subject to regulation.


Guess you should have read ALL THREE WORDS of the phrase I typed, dumbass.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Except I'm talking about the "well regulated" part.


A person can be a ONE-MAN militia........sure.


But they should still be subject to regulation.


Guess you should have read ALL THREE WORDS of the phrase I typed, dumbass.

No, you wanted to highlight the militia part as you thought it was a compelling out to disregard independent citizen controlled firearm ownership, otherwise you wouldn't have even mentioned it. You can't spin something that's been argued by the left and shot down a million different ways. 


You're trying to retread 50 foot deep ruts here, that's no way to start a conversation when the implications of what you were getting to were so clear. You were not expecting a post like mine as a followup. 

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3 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back. 


We need them for our upcoming civil war against the Intersectional Communists. California shall hella rise again. 

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Just now, Saucer said:


We need them for our upcoming civil war against the Intersectional Communists. California shall hella rise again. 

Lol. Fortunately the intersections communists are terrible at fighting. 

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3 hours ago, Cookester15 said:

Too many stupid Americans own guns. It's a shame your constitution makes it a right to own guns. it should be a privilege not a right. The British aren't coming back. 

Just like we have a right to free speech whereas for you Canadian's it's a privilege?

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5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

No, you wanted to highlight the militia part as you thought it was a compelling out to disregard independent citizen controlled firearm ownership, otherwise you wouldn't have even mentioned it. You can't spin something that's been argued by the left and shot down a million different ways. 


You're trying to retread 50 foot deep ruts here, that's no way to start a conversation when the implications of what you were getting to were so clear. You were not expecting a post like mine as a followup. 

No. its definitely the part about regulation.


Especially since my previous comments you have read from me about guns is about STRICT regulation.


And nowhere did I ever make an argument about an individual having to be part of some registered militia. I've always talk about regulation on an individual level.


I put the militia part because it comes right after "well-regulated". I definitely expected you to type like an idiot while pretending to have an air of confidence...............absolutely. I would expect anything less from your dumbass.

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8 minutes ago, jehurey said:

No. its definitely the part about regulation.


Especially since my previous comments you have read from me about guns is about STRICT regulation.


And nowhere did I ever make an argument about an individual having to be part of some registered militia. I've always talk about regulation on an individual level.


I put the militia part because it comes right after "well-regulated". I definitely expected you to type like an idiot while pretending to have an air of confidence...............absolutely. I would expect anything less from your dumbass.

Well if that is the case (which I don't believe it to be) we have fundamental disagreements on what regulations should entail. Getting a gun isn't as simple as it's made out to be, you don't just walk in and say "I want that" and walk out which the left seems to have a fondness of solicitation for. When you apply you're screened through local, state and federal law enforcement for background information and to a sometimes damning degree the FBI's NICS system which can flag people for the smallest things and makes appeals a nightmare process which can take well over a year.


We are well regulated, there's already common sense laws and prevention measures in place. The issue stems from people like yourself seeking to go above and beyond to not just regulate but neuter the firearm to the point of it lacking any appeal in ownership. With the lengths the left tries to go to restrict firearms I'm amazed there hasn't been legislation presented which restricts ownership to just that of black powder rifles. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Well if that is the case (which I don't believe it to be) we have fundamental disagreements on what regulations should entail. Getting a gun isn't as simple as it's made out to be, you don't just walk in and say "I want that" and walk out which the left seems to have a fondness of solicitation for. When you apply you're screened through local, state and federal law enforcement for background information and to a sometimes damning degree the FBI's NICS system which can flag people for the smallest things and makes appeals a nightmare process which can take well over a year.


We are well regulated, there's already common sense laws and prevention measures in place. The issue stems from people like yourself seeking to go above and beyond to not just regulate but neuter the firearm to the point of it lacking any appeal in ownership.   

No, we're not well regulated. Private sales, gun show sales. Not even close.


I've walked into gun shows to see some cholos waltzing out of there with semi-automatic rifles on their backs and some large mags.  That gun show moves to a different part of the county or a neighboring county each weekend, and comes around to the same place next month. Alot of money and product changing hands, and no regulation.


Once again, you're talking from somebody from Texas about guns.

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Just now, jehurey said:

No, we're not well regulated. Private sales, gun show sales. Not even close.


I've walked into gun shows to see some cholos waltzing out of there with semi-automatic rifles on their backs and some large mags.  That gun show moves to a different part of the county or a neighboring county each weekend, and comes around to the same place next month. Alot of money and product changing hands, and no regulation.


Once again, you're talking from somebody from Texas about guns.

And you're talking to somebody from Washington. 

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18 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:


Just like we have a right to free speech whereas for you Canadian's it's a privilege?

I can't shoot you in the face with my mouth.


Listen, I'm a gun owner, I've got more than 10 guns. But not everyone should have them. Not everyone should drive a car either, that's why there are road tests and licensing.  It's fucking common sense. 


Why can't I have a nuke to protect myself!? 

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2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

And you're talking to somebody from Washington. 

Who didn't know about the gun show loophole, and is a dumbass with a huge case of Dunning-Kruger. Yes, I know.

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