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Game of Thrones nerds. Help me finish my list of greatest fighters in tiers.

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Tier 1 (Legendary)


Barristan ''The Bold'' Selmy
Arthur Dayne ''The Sword of the Morning''
Aegon Targaryen ''The Conqueror''
Daemon Blackfyre
Quorin ''Halfhand''
Duncan ''The Tall''



Tier 2 (Famous)


Jaime Lannister ''The Kingslayer''
Gregor Clegane ''The Mountain''
Sandor Clegane ''The Hound''
Jon Snow ''The White wolf''
Oberyn Martell ''The Red Viper''
Robert Baratheon ''The Usurper''
Rhaegar Targaryen



Tier 3 (Proven warriors)


Khal Drogo
Thoross of Myrr ''The Red Priest''
Eddard Stark 
Brienne of Tarth
Jorah Mormont
Bronn of the Blackwater
Brynden Tully ''Blackfish''

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1 hour ago, Cookester15 said:

Brianne beat the mountain, she should be second tier 

Good point. But I am biased. Ned Stark also apparently beaten Arthur Dayne... I didn't want to make the rankings based only on who beats who.

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Are we going of book or show 


Half hand isn’t really legendary in either and was really a scrub in the show


Robert is top tier


Rhaegar was overrated as a fighter


Jon isn’t really famous in the books at all. Barely on to the proven fighter lost


Drogo is basically the Ghengis Khan of the world and never even lost a single fight. Top tier 


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24 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Greyworm is another one, but probably 3rd tier

greyworm ain't even notable. guys done nothing compared to the ones on the list lol. 



and yeah jon ain't really anything special yet. he's got plot armour that's about it. 

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1 hour ago, Voidler said:

Are we going of book or show 


Half hand isn’t really legendary in either and was really a scrub in the show


Robert is top tier


Rhaegar was overrated as a fighter


Jon isn’t really famous in the books at all. Barely on to the proven fighter lost


Drogo is basically the Ghengis Khan of the world and never even lost a single fight. Top tier 


Let's go with the show and books to a lesser extent for lack of information. And don't bother too much with the names I've given to tiers.


Quorin is not well known outside the night watch but it doesn't matter.


Robert? Probably yeah.


Rhaegar is probably overrated because he was a great prince that everyone loved. Still won a lot of tourneys in jousting.


Jon Snow is the prince that was promised. Enough said.


Drogo, yeah I agree.

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Tier 1 (Legendary)


Barristan ''The Bold'' Selmy
Arthur Dayne ''The Sword of the Morning''
Aegon Targaryen ''The Conqueror''
Daemon Blackfyre
Duncan ''The Tall''

Khal Drogo

Robert Baratheon ''The Usurper''



Tier 2 (Famous)


Quorin ''Halfhand''

Jaime Lannister ''The Kingslayer''
Gregor Clegane ''The Mountain''
Sandor Clegane ''The Hound''
Jon Snow ''The White wolf''
Oberyn Martell ''The Red Viper''


Tier 3 (Proven warriors)


Rhaegar Targaryen
Thoross of Myrr ''The Red Priest''
Eddard Stark 
Brienne of Tarth
Jorah Mormont
Bronn of the Blackwater
Brynden Tully ''Blackfish''


Loras Tyrell

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39 minutes ago, zwarior said:

Snape kills Dumbledore

he has to do it. major spoiler bro. I don't like it. :feelsbadman:

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2 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

Arya is still not on there, shes a great fighter

she's a little bitch faggot lol 

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