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Another reason why Sony will never be great - DOAXtreme 3 censorship examined

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Funny how the 'kiddy console' isn't censored, huh. :rofl: 








As you can see, the bikini malfunction feature is prominently on display within a number of modes, including the cake outfits that get destroyed during certain mini-games, or being able to fondle the girls with the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con controllers, which is part of the Switch’s exclusive Soft 4D functionality known as the 4D Jiggle Physics.

Yes, they are boobs that jiggle beyond the fabric of the space-time continuum, and it’s exclusive to Nintendonites.


That’s not the only thing exclusive to Nintendo fans. There’s also the fact that PS4 owners will not have access to the fan items that can force the bikinis to break and cause the girls’ butts, thighs, and boobs to jiggle. And some of the special bikini outfits will not make it into the game.

This is all part and parcel to align with Sony’s PS4 censorship policies.



Both the ‘Gold Fan’ and ‘Softening Gel’ have been taken out of the PS4 release, presumably per the platform holder’s guidelines. For those of you who don’t know, the fan effectively allows you to blow the skirts of characters, with the objective being to turn them inside out so you can get a glimpse of their underwear. Meanwhile, the gel “softens” the recipient’s breasts, making them more, er, springy.


Tecmo's note


“The PS4 edition of the game featuring some of the ‘bikini wear down’  will not be present”.


:snoop: Move over MS, Sony's here to beat you at SJW gaming, too. :rofl: 


Stuff like this makes it easy to be behind Nintendo right now. They're the only purely Japanese company making consoles. Sony's suspect and getting worse by the minute with their agenda-driven gaming. MS is a lost cause, really, no need to discuss that.


nintendo FTW! :glad: 



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Got it delivered last night and played some. Physics look good and the graphics are pretty. I actually really enjoy the volleyball and there’s a butt battle game. Pervy as fuck but that’s what it’s made for. There does seem to be micro transactions to get more costumes and stuff but doesn’t seem required. I’ll play more later. 

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

No VR. So auto fail.


I think the PS4 version has a stand-alone VR mode. But, I commute to work and I like portability. Also, better physics and no censorship on the Switch. 

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