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1 hour ago, Nya` said:

Looks great, I really like the environment.

yep, that's why I want to play it. 

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2 minutes ago, -GD- said:

i'm one of the few who liked the first. 

count me in bro, I watched some vids and it doesn't look bad. I will play it next

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The first one has some satisfying gunplay - you could switch the types of ammunition type in your guns. So your revolver could use AP rounds (fewer), Slug rounds (fewest), or Standard rounds (most), as well as the AI was somewhat competent; they would take cover, pop out of said cover; as well as flank you. Plus you had that sweet wingstick weapon which lead to some very  satisfying kills.


The biggest downside was how empty the world felt (not just because it was a Post-Apocalyptic setting) but even the characters (one voiced my John Goodman) couldn't help me immerse myself in the game's universe. For that reason I never played more than 6 hours into the game.

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1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

The first one has some satisfying gunplay - you could switch the types of ammunition type in your guns. So your revolver could use AP rounds (fewer), Slug rounds (fewest), or Standard rounds (most), as well as the AI was somewhat competent; they would take cover, pop out of said cover; as well as flank you. Plus you had that sweet wingstick weapon which lead to some very  satisfying kills.


The biggest downside was how empty the world felt (not just because it was a Post-Apocalyptic setting) but even the characters (one voiced my John Goodman) couldn't help me immerse myself in the game's universe. For that reason I never played more than 6 hours into the game.

do you keep John Goodman captive? because he's my goodman too. :mjcry:

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