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Microsoft Executive on Stadia: "They don't have the content"

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I mean they are probably right . Will Google be able to drop something compared to gamepass for 10 bucks ? 


I doubt it . Plus ms bought up a ton of studios . Google is making one .



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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Yet... See how quickly Epic went from empty store to stealing exclusives left, right and centre. All it takes is ppl to see a couple games succeed on the platform. 

They're not really stealing anything, and anyone worth their salt will refuse the bait and wait out their paid period.

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MS is buying studios but on the 3rd party partnership side they have had a string on disappointments. 
We don't know what Stadia is offering to devs and consumers. If it's A la Carte, if it's sub, what the payment/split to devs is, will they try get exclusive content (like 3rd party partnerships that Sony and MS do) or timed exclusives like Epic Store is doing. We know nothing yet, but we are witnessing an agressive competitor enter the scene with Epic and throw cash around as a form to compete and to dismiss Google's ability to do that also would be naive. Whether they will or not is another question, but it's far to early too rule them out.  

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On 2019-04-11 at 8:51 PM, Nya` said:

Epic is paying for games because they can't compete lol, how you can't see this is beyond me. 

They are competing , and killing it . You just don't like the way they are doing it .

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9 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

They are competing , and killing it . You just don't like the way they are doing it .

They aren't competing because no one else is engaging in or taking part in what they're doing. They're not taking the bait, they're ignoring them like a temporary annoyance much like many consumers are. They're trying to manipulate the market with money to trick people into adopting their absolute garbage platform and a lot of people aren't having it.


You can't buy your way to success, people know their platform sucks and it doesn't get any users on the back of what they're trying to rope people into. Come to market with a good product that people want to adopt, that's not shady, that is welcoming and has a lot to offer. Epic doesn't have that, they have too much money (which will eventually run dry when Fortnite caves) and they'll sink or swim based upon the virtue of what they can offer.  


Do you think people are just going to forget this shit lol?

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