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Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris on fire as spire collapses

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that's too bad. cool spot. glad i saw it before this happened.


didn't seem like they had much of a plan for something like this, but i guess it's not an easy thing to fight. wonder how it started.

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33 minutes ago, Bodycount ex-X said:

Reports are coming in that a homeless muzzie squatting up there left his can of beans on the cooker for too long.

Damn shame. Criminal charges should be filed.

LMFAO I didn't believe it until I looked it up


"A fire has ignited in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. BBC News reports the cause of the fire is unclear but may be related to a transient in the location who was allegedly cooking."


Un. Fucking. Believable :D 

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They'd need to invent some sort of high-rise fire-hydrant that needs to come with its own water pump to push the water up from ground level to the rooftop level, and then the fire department can connect to that and just spray from a ladder.


But, its an old city. It would require alot of work to its plumbing infrstructure, it'd require alot of regulation and inspections


But then again, that's the same thing that happened with that UK fire a couple of years ago. They decided that old buildings are too much trouble to meet newer safety standards, and they had a horrific fire. Killed 72 people.


Whenever I go to San Francisco, their downtown area, I wake up early and I just observe what is happening on street level. The amount of shit that needs to happen before 8am is pretty fascinating.

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34 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

they're worried of 'ruining' the cathedral.

No, they aren't. They're worried the structure would collapse from the weight of the water being dropped on it.

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