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Sony officially gives PS5 details (Cerny himself)

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I'm hoping for lots of power to kill switch support completely 

I literally can't find aliasing in Far Cry 5 on Xbox One X, and it's razor sharp IQ. 8K wouldn't do anything. 

4 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

14tflop is a bit unrealistic. Set yourself to 11tflops, higher than Stadia and you're still fine.


Plus insiders seem to be suggesting Anaconda is going to be higher specced, which could mean PS5 is below 499 price wise.

I think what we're going to see is Sony and Microsoft come in at the same $500 price but there's going to be a disparity in hardware in favor of Xbox. It might not even be a difference in hardware but if you look at all of their Xbox One's this generation; each one has been overclocked in one degree or another. They overclocked their CPU and GPU on the base Xbox One, for the S they overclocked the GPU, for the X they overclocked the CPU even further and then pushed the GPU to an obscene 1,172 Mhz. With the PS4 Pro the only real difference between it and the GPU in the X is the number of compute units that being 4, but MS took that a step further and clocked it 261 Mhz higher than the Pro's GPU.

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4 minutes ago, Nya` said:

I think what we're going to see is Sony and Microsoft come in at the same $500 price but there's going to be a disparity in hardware in favor of Xbox. It might not even be a difference in hardware but if you look at all of their Xbox One's this generation; each one has been overclocked in one degree or another. They overclocked their CPU and GPU on the base Xbox One, for the S they overclocked the GPU, for the X they overclocked the CPU even further and then pushed the GPU to an obscene 1,172 Mhz. With the PS4 Pro the only real difference between it and the GPU in the X is the number of compute units that being 4, but MS took that a step further and clocked it 261 Mhz higher than the Pro's GPU.

Nah. They are saying there are specific reasons for it, not same price different specs out of the blue. Price, different release date, maybe lack of disc drive for BOM. It's something significant.

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Reading around casual sources most people are really hyped and surprised by like PS4 BC, or PSVR working on PS5. Its huge info for them. For us it's honestly a no shit moment, but for the average person it's a huge deal.

Most of it is kind of "no shit", even though we don't know exactly what is in it specification wise we've known what the general hardware would be. 

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8 minutes ago, Nya` said:

Most of it is kind of "no shit", even though we don't know exactly what is in it specification wise we've known what the general hardware would be. 

The only real surprise is the SSD. But we knew they would have sort of fast solution regardless because it would be ridiculous for streamed games to have no load times,but premium hardware would be plagued by load times.

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Digital Foundry

We had heard a while back that PlayStation 5 was developed around a state-of-the-art solid-state storage solution (1TB of capacity was the rumour) but the gossip was easy to discount, because even though solid-state memory modules have reduced substantially in price recently, SSDs are still a lot more expensive than mechanical drives. In a world where consoles are built to rigid build costs, upgrading storage to solid-state seemed impossible. This is the key barrier that Sony has broken through for its new hardware.


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10 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Digital Foundry

We had heard a while back that PlayStation 5 was developed around a state-of-the-art solid-state storage solution (1TB of capacity was the rumour) but the gossip was easy to discount, because even though solid-state memory modules have reduced substantially in price recently, SSDs are still a lot more expensive than mechanical drives. In a world where consoles are built to rigid build costs, upgrading storage to solid-state seemed impossible. This is the key barrier that Sony has broken through for its new hardware.


Hope they're wrong on capacity.


1TB would be far too small with the ballooning install sizes. 2TB minimum.

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Absolutely right to focus on storage speed and reducing/eliminating loading times.  Because next gen game worlds are going to be extremely demanding asset-wise.


The only thing this spec information really tells me though is that MS definitely needs to do the same.  Because if they have a HDD in there, they're going to get trounced.


I'm definitely curious as to the bandwidth differences compared to high end PC parts.


At least Aza can put the 2019 shit to bed now :glad: 


Oh and godly that it will support ray tracing.  Game graphics can move forward :juggle: 

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Sounds like 499 to me. That's dope though, especially if they're still taking a bit of a loss. 


These things are expected to last 6 years now, not willing to have it be obsolete less than halfway through that period for an extra 100 bucks. 

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

2019 is a bit unrealistic. Set yourself to 2020, further than Stadia and you're still fine.


Plus insiders seem to be suggesting Anaconda is going to be 2020, which could mean PS5 is 2020.


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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

I expect Sony to have 399 model. It makes just too much sense, 500 is just too damn much.



I dunno how they would unless there were serious compromises.


I could see them having like a $450-480 option with gimped storage and then a $550-6 "premium" model. 


They'd have to basically do without the SSD to hit the $399 though. 

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2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

I'm calling it now, everyone will sacrifice 60fps for 30 ray traced. Not that I ever expected 60fls for 90 percent of games. Amd RT hardware acceleration will also be a dud.


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