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Drinking diet coke caffeine free

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I'm drinking these. shit i drank yesterday, I noticed i've been drinking more and more, like i have a few beers almost every day now. bad habit, can't stop. 

Tastes like shit.   Water and black coffee are the only things worth drinking outside alcohol. 

pepsi    slobs

I love soda more than anybody, but I feel like shit when drinking diet.


The closest diet drink to the real version is Diet Sunkist, when drinking it cold. 


But, especially after reading that Diet sodas and the sweeteners they use increases your chances of getting a stroke, I don't want to drink diet at all. I'm just going to drink water, and when I want to break my diet, I'll drink real soda that weekend.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I love soda more than anybody, but I feel like shit when drinking diet.


The closest diet drink to the real version is Diet Sunkist, when drinking it cold. 


But, especially after reading that Diet sodas and the sweeteners they use increases your chances of getting a stroke, I don't want to drink diet at all. I'm just going to drink water, and when I want to break my diet, I'll drink real soda that weekend.

Enjoy being fat with diabetes later in life. Artificial sweeteners are completely fine. The Coke Zero products are great as are Pepsi's line.


That study also was for 81,000 post-menopausal women so....

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12 minutes ago, Ike said:

Enjoy being fat with diabetes later in life. Artificial sweeteners are completely fine. The Coke Zero products are great as are Pepsi's line.


That study also was for 81,000 post-menopausal women so....

I haven't bought a specific test to confirm this, but I think I am a supertaster and simply have more tastebud receptors on my tongue than average people.


I can taste the emptiness of those diet drinks, even Coke Zero. It just pales in comparison to how awesome it feels to have an ice cold  Coca-cola hit your lips on a hot summer day.


When I drink a diet soda, it just makes me feel bummed and ask my "what am I even doing."


You either do it right, or not at all.

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24 minutes ago, Ike said:

Enjoy being fat with diabetes later in life. Artificial sweeteners are completely fine. The Coke Zero products are great as are Pepsi's line.


That study also was for 81,000 post-menopausal women so....

Artificial sweeteners are not completely fine.  You have the same insulin response as sugar.  The only difference is the calories

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13 minutes ago, Ike said:

But they're still bad for you



best thing ya fools can do is learn how to appreciate unsweetened tea and coffee. 

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18 minutes ago, Ike said:

He's not talking about blood sugar level, he's talking about the body's hormonal response.


Insulin levels increase to artificial sweeteners the same way they would for sugar, especially if you start taking artificial sweeteners regularly. It may result in increasing insulin resistance the same way that would happen if somebody takes in alot of sugar/carbs.


This is usually the condition for pre-diabetes. But what it also means is that your body simply begins storing the energy as fat instead of using it for fuel.  Which means your body gets tired and send a signal for more fuel, which causes you to eat more. But your body isn't spending all the fuel because  the cells are resisting insulin. Cycle bring again. You don't want your body to have high insulin resistance.

Edited by jehurey
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51 minutes ago, jehurey said:

when I want to break my diet, I'll drink real soda that weekend.

whoa easy there, don't live too much..

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3 minutes ago, kaz said:

whoa easy there, don't live too much..

I know it sounds dorky, but when you get over 30, you HAVE to stop eating like an 18 year old. 


I'm lucky I'm as healthy as I am considering how I let myself eat junkfood with almost no restrictions. I'm shocked I have as few cavities in my teeth for as much soda that I have drank in the past 20 years.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

I know it sounds dorky, but when you get over 30, you HAVE to stop eating like an 18 year old. 


I'm lucky I'm as healthy as I am considering how I let myself eat junkfood with almost no restrictions. I'm shocked I have as few cavities in my teeth for as much soda that I have drank in the past 20 years.

i will be shocked when i think about my teeth when i'm going to eat junkfood and drink soda.. you make the 30s sound lame as fuck :tom: 

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1 minute ago, kaz said:

i will be shocked when i think about my teeth when i'm going to eat junkfood and drink soda.. you make the 30s sound lame as fuck :tom: 

gotta tuck in your shirt.








oh, sorry I meant YOUR SHIT



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