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Tim Sweeney: “If Valve commits to a permanent 88% revenue share, we’ll stop making new exclusive deals”

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Who would have thought the best platform war ever would be on the same platform .   This is hilarious , Tim trolling  Gabe and the steamits so hard   truly ....Epic

It's absolutely true, he's trying to get Valve to buckle so he can stop spending money on exclusivity deals that are absolutely draining them.  And that 12% is barely enough to keep the lights on, and

Nah , I'm owning the shit out of them and they are resorting to acting like babies . I'm bound to get a of them banned

It's not shots fired, he's embarrassing himself and it's a move of desperation. Valve is never going to fold to this cretin, they won't even acknowledge his existence, this is like giving into terrorist demands. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's not shots fired, he's embarrassing himself and it's a move of desperation. Valve is never going to fold to this cretin, they won't even acknowledge his existence, this is like giving into terrorist demands. 

If terrorists rock your boat too much, you negotiate.

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Big dick Sweeny bullying Valve.  He's absolutely right.  Devs are fed up with Valve bullshit and are figuring out they can do it on their own... or go somewhere else.  


@DynamiteCop!  Valve IMMEDIATELY revised their revenue split upon Epic entering the PC gaming storefront.  The fact is.. Epic can keep buying all the big exclusives for 6-12 months and it's going to wear Valve down..  The more that time goes on... and Steam continues to lack BIG games.. people are going to become upset that they aren't doing anything.  Also, in that time, more people will just say fuck it and use EGS... especially as the new features come online and they expand their markets.  Devs will start moving as well.. especially considering that later this year Epic is supposed to start allowing more games on the store.


I would not underestimate Epic and their influence.

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Big dick Sweeny bullying Valve.  He's absolutely right.  Devs are fed up with Valve bullshit and are figuring out they can do it on their own... or go somewhere else.  


@DynamiteCop!  Valve IMMEDIATELY revised their revenue split upon Epic entering the PC gaming storefront.  The fact is.. Epic can keep buying all the big exclusives for 6-12 months and it's going to wear Valve down..  The more that time goes on... and Steam continues to lack BIG games.. people are going to become upset that they aren't doing anything.  Also, in that time, more people will just say fuck it and use EGS... especially as the new features come online and they expand their markets.  Devs will start moving as well.. especially considering that later this year Epic is supposed to start allowing more games on the store.


I would not underestimate Epic and their influence.

Tim is running out of money to blow on this venture he'll undoubtedly abandon, he's trying to sniff out a weakness and he's not going to find one. 

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Tim is running out of money to blow on this venture he'll undoubtedly abandon, he's trying to sniff out a weakness and he's not going to find one. 

Running out of money? lol no.

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Running out of money? lol no.

For his little games? Absolutely, also it's not just his money. He's created an unsustainable platform and business plan based upon a revenue split that cant maintain operations. He's an idiot.  

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

For his little games? Absolutely, also it's not just his money. He's created an unsustainable platform and business plan based upon a revenue split that cant maintain operations. He's an idiot.  

Yea, no.  He's not even close to running out of money... and his platform is absolutely sustainable.  Dude... Epic has money for DAYS to chip away at Valve.. and that's exactly what they're going to do.  He's not an idiot... you're simply upset.  He's an extremely intelligent programmer and businessman.  He knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly how to attack Valve.


Again, you're remiss to underestimate Epic man... You can bet your ASS that Valve understands what's going to happen if they don't change something.

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Unsutainable? Even you know that's not true.

It's absolutely true, he's trying to get Valve to buckle so he can stop spending money on exclusivity deals that are absolutely draining them.  And that 12% is barely enough to keep the lights on, and the bigger you are the more extrapolated your costs are going to be so it's not even a consideration for Valve. 


They're going to hold fast and do nothing and watch his investors eat him alive which they're probably already doing, he likely promised them they would have caved by now. Tim is fucked, EGS is fucked, it's unsustainable and they're falling like a house of cards.

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2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

As a person who is impartial to the storefront wars, someone please explain why I should champion Steam?

You’re not impartial. No one is. Throw me in a fucking meat grinder before I read an answer.

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6 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Both Sony and retail get less of a cut from a 60 dollar disc game sold than Steam does from a fucking download.


What's unsustainable?

Feature and platform development and maintenance staff, network staff, support staff, server hosting and bandwidth, physical market for Steam cards and eating regional costs, legal support and protection etc.


It's not just give us a game to sell and we make money. There's massive costs incurred with not only growing a platform but also maintaining it. Epic barely even has a platform right now and I have no doubt they're already feeling the pressure. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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