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I'm pretty sure at this point Waypoint articles have become near parody pieces. Have yous seen how their Days Gone review starts?  That's literally the first paragraph.    One of the first t

The two biggest exclusives for Xbone and PS4 were outscored by this:    

Translation, “Blyat. Comrade. Keto diet.”

1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Too generic. It's not the PS1 or PSP days.


Get these guys on a colorful platformer. Days Gone is obviously a failed IP like The Order

Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow were the best Syphon Filters. :bow: 


Fuck that colorful platformer shit, the fuck is wrong with you?


I wonder if reviewers are expecting master story telling like with Sony's previous games in the last few years and it just fell short. Most complains seem to just point out how uninspired the story is and that it's just a bunch of mechanics thrown in from successful games. Obviously the scoring of the story appears to be heavier on the review scale with this game. :shrug: Oh well, nice try Bend. :salute:

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