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I'm pretty sure at this point Waypoint articles have become near parody pieces. Have yous seen how their Days Gone review starts?  That's literally the first paragraph.    One of the first t

The two biggest exclusives for Xbone and PS4 were outscored by this:    

Translation, “Blyat. Comrade. Keto diet.”

47 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

That spiel about the second amendment on Radio Free Oregon :whew:

What they said about Sony all these years was true. Complete creative control goes to their devs. I'm surprised this game was allowed to come out.


And yeah, Media takedown 100%. I just have to laugh about that GS feminist review of this. :rofl: The girl's butt scene is a screen grab of like 1 second of a 30-50 hour AAA Blockbuster experience. :rofl: 


Move over RDR2, this is the best open world game on the market and a more legitimate cowboy experience than Red Dead's liberal pandering campaign.:ccruise:


On a Steel horse we ride. B) 3-Way GOTY awarded RE2/DMCV/DaysGone. This is one of the most important games ever made imo.






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9 hours ago, -GD- said:

This game reminds me a lot of gears 4 - generic..but hey..nice environmental effects and HDR. 

This is actually a perfect comparison. Game is fine and all but really feels like a game going through it's paces thinking off every thing expected from it. 

Which is fine cause I really didn't expect much more. Hopefully the story goes somewhere interesting. 

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Free-thinking gaming :bow:


Thank you Sony for not forcing liberal politics into all of your titles like MS. You have earned my trust and business. I will be there day one for PS5, and will do my best to deter everyone I know from investing in Xflop's propaganda from now on.


also, LOL, Wired.com has just put up their Days gone takedown/ hitjob piece :cruise: 



But the absurdity that this game builds itself on is even more stark when it attempts to approach politics. To its credit, Bend Studios took seriously the idea of what would become of Oregon's political viewpoints in a world where a zombie apocalypse occurred. Different factions represent different political perspectives drawn from the headlines, with one of the most significant being doomsday-prepper-style reactionary libertarianism, represented by a camp leader named Copeland. Copeland broadcasts an Alex Jones-style radio show out into the apocalyptic frontier, decrying the government, foreign-made products, and sounding very much like the sort of person who would blame the existence of zombies on George Soros. There's clearly a satirical bent to the presentation, but that doesn't change the fact that the very premise of Days Gone is sympathetic to that sort of ideology. 



Bu Bu sympathetic to right wingers :cries: lmao!





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A vision of reality where society turns into warring feudalism under the pressure of an outside force, rewarding only those who dedicated themselves to becoming armed and dangerous with survival and power, is, on a fundamental level, a reactionary libertarian power fantasy. It posits the post-apocalypse as a reward for strong men, a return to nature, and the extent to which Days Gonehinges itself on that premise makes its presumed political neutrality feel absurd.



That's right, liberal dipshit. We;d use you as zombie bait in the event of an apocalypse. :mock: Should have bought a gun, ASSHOLE! :rofl:


Laughing my ass of at this WIRED piece :rofl: 


DAYS GONE :bow: 

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Deacon St. John is an unlikable protagonist. This game is not realistic! :cries: 





I want to play as a 95lb 5'3 Lesbian with HIV who can Choke out 220lb muscled-out Ex-marines :cries: 


But let me guess this is a likable protagonist and The LesbiUs 2 is the next perfect 10? :mock:


These people are such transparent SCUM, absolute scum.



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I don't even care that LesBiUs 2 exists. I won't play it. But atleast Sony doesn't mandate all of their games to be libcuck propganada.


I know 100% that LesBiUs 2 is naughty dog's vision - a cucked, lesbian game for wierdos. That's how ND rolls. Just like I know Days Gone was made by a bunch of white guys who like bikes, mechaincs, and probably own a gun and are from Oregon. :rofl: 


I'll play whatever the fuck I want, gaming media. You were all up Sony's ass for every single game they make but the second they put out a game that slightly leans right of center it's a 5.0 on 10, it's 'ridiculous', it's 'unbelievable'? Absolute SCUM.

Edited by Bodycount N
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Another one ' DAYS GONE HATES ME MORE THAN I HATE IT :cries:" by paste magazine



“Promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike.” – An actual quote from an actual female character during her actual vows at an actual wedding ceremony in Days Gone, an actual video game. pic.twitter.com/QKfeSUAHRF

— Alex Avard (@alexavard95) April 25, 2019

If that’s the mentality we’re dealing with—the kind of dialogue and characterization that can be expected from Days Gone, a sign of the contempt in which it holds its players—then it’s clearly just as hopeless as the dead world it’s set in.


CONTEMPT! Contempt for its players! :rofl: 


I was wondering what was so shocking about this line, and then it hit me: These guys have never been in a relationship before. :drake:Couples talk dirty to each-other all the time, and shit, these are bikers! :rofl:  this shit is not controversial at all.


Dumb babies hating on this AAA game:mock:

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9 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:


Another one ' DAYS GONE HATES ME MORE THAN I HATE IT :cries:" by paste magazine


CONTEMPT! Contempt for its players! :rofl: 


I was wondering what was so shocking about this line, and then it hit me: These guys have never been in a relationship before. :drake:Couples talk dirty to each-other all the time, and shit, these are bikers! :rofl:  this shit is not controversial at all.


Dumb babies hating on this AAA game:mock:

lmao, it's beyond pathetic. Looks like the tweet got deleted too. :mj: 

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3 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

Deacon St. John is an unlikable protagonist. This game is not realistic! :cries: 





I want to play as a 95lb 5'3 Lesbian with HIV who can Choke out 220lb muscled-out Ex-marines :cries: 


But let me guess this is a likable protagonist and The LesbiUs 2 is the next perfect 10? :mock:


These people are such transparent SCUM, absolute scum.



the lesbians of us LMAO. a game for people who make their sexuality their personality

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Hellis‏ @13Hellis_13 4 ч.4 часа назад
соседка поехала к дочке в Италию. 
На ПП въезд в Венгрию ее прошмонали до истерики. На вопрос "какого?!" венгр ответил спокойно a mese vége (сказка закончилась). Она адепт Зе, прокоменировала в их духе: "мстят за наш выбор".
Хотелось сказать: нет, это показывают место вашего выбора

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7 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Hellis‏ @13Hellis_13 4 ч.4 часа назад
соседка поехала к дочке в Италию. 
На ПП въезд в Венгрию ее прошмонали до истерики. На вопрос "какого?!" венгр ответил спокойно a mese vége (сказка закончилась). Она адепт Зе, прокоменировала в их духе: "мстят за наш выбор".
Хотелось сказать: нет, это показывают место вашего выбора



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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

lol cows get a flop after dominating with years of the best exclusives on the market and all the inferior factions think they've moved into first place :kaz:


TLHBO :bow:

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