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I'm pretty sure at this point Waypoint articles have become near parody pieces. Have yous seen how their Days Gone review starts?  That's literally the first paragraph.    One of the first t

The two biggest exclusives for Xbone and PS4 were outscored by this:    

Translation, “Blyat. Comrade. Keto diet.”

On 2019-04-27 at 1:39 PM, madmaltese said:

Played it for quite a few hours now. So far it's literally your Ubisoft open world game (prior to Odyssey) with a zombie setting. 

The production values are top notch.

Don't really have much progress story beat wise but so far it's your fairly standard stuff.

A horde really is pretty impressive and super tense to try take on.

Gameplay is exactly how you expect, mostly stealth driven then your regular melee and 3rd person cover style gun mechanics.


This is your typical open world game of a year or 2 ago. No doubt it's aged poorly after RDR2 and Odyssey and it doesn't have to core gameplay mechanic that is as fun as Spiderman to hold it up.

Intro is poor, story pacing is all over the place like most open world games cause you're constantly getting distracted by things.


To me so far, seems like the most standard 7.5 game you can imagine. I truly have no idea how this can be a 5, especially given how games ratings are basically on a 7-10 rating and anything below signifies near unplayability. 

The original E3 demo looked so good. I thought this would be more of a unique parkour style game in an apocalypse where you need to use the environment to your advantage and hordes everywhere

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On 2019-04-26 at 3:27 PM, lynux3 said:





"it's a bit alarming in 2019 that they didn't think about putting a non white guy as a partner" :awww:

You know whenever somebody starts a statement with “it’s alarming”, “it’s concerning” or my favourite “it’s troubling” that they are definitely a cuck

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5 hours ago, lynux3 said:




Japan? Bike culture here is fucking insane, seems everyone has a bike here. Little Ninjas zipping around on Kawasaki's and sport bikes everywhere in Tokyo, dude in karate uniforms with headbands zipping by on hogs with loud fart can exhausts :rofl: 



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