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No PS5 in the next 12 months - Sony

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I'd say at best the Switch 2 will be as powerful as a base xbox 1 


Sony and MS will be releasing 10+ TF consoles and Nintendo will release a 1TF console :D


look at the droughts now , imagine Switch 2:mj:

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Yes because Switch which launched with a Maxwell not the predicted smaller node Pascal is going to go toe to toe with next gen consoles GPU. And with portable RAM bandwidths against GPU tier RAM.

1) The smaller node Tegra was slightly more powerful than what's in the current Switch.  Wouldn't make a big difference.... kinda like 3DS and new 3DS. 


2) There was no consumer level allocation of that chip... it was used for car manufacturers and automation.  


3) Nintendo and NVIDIA didn't go into a multi decade partnership... to only make one chip for Nintendo systems and nothing else.... of course they will have a Switch successor in the pipeline. 


4) Of course mobile hardware is not as powerful as desktop or laptop hardware.... but every dev gen cycle... mobile hardware gets better. 


Switch is the closest a portable got to a console in the same gen .... yes it's weaker.. but its the closest a portable has gotten so far. 


So yes.. next gen... Switch 2 will also not be as powerful as PS5 etc..... but it will be better than what we have now and more powerful than current gen. 


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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

And? The magical Switch 2 is portable tier hardware and if like current Switch it won't even be the high end version.


Stop trying to position your Gameboy as anything other.

LOL, you still don't anything about what the Switch may be, or how its designed.


The same rumors that confirmed some very accurate specs of the Switch back in October 2016, also confirmed a dev kit hardware that had two separate GPU processors and wasn't made to be portable, which meant that is was a dock with its own GPU.


Nintendo would love nothing more than to get back into the business of selling a handheld and also a console, because that's more sales for them.

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9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Like a car, Switch is just running over the competition.:deader:

Then it crashed , because cars dont run over over cars , and sits there not being used 

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16 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Aza :dead: 


Looks like my Spring prediction will fall through too.  Oh well, at least I knew it wasn't 2019 :hehe:  God damn AMD can't ever have things ready on time. :francis: 



Ryzen 3000 and Navi sitll on schedule to deliver for PC, and that's all that matters. 

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8 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Slow Jonny gonna slow Jonny :lemming:

Im still waiting for my links, and you to play cuphead online on XBL. Rolf, you fucking idiot :D

Edited by JONBpc
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6 hours ago, JONBpc said:

Im still waiting for my links, and you to play cuphead online on XBL. Rolf, you fucking idiot :D

Not my fault you can't read the words on the page that XBL is coming to Switch for free 

... thanks Cuck B :rofls:

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