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Halo Infinite is apparently Spring 2020

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2 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

Perfect launch title for ps5

If that's the case I really think the next Xbox is going to be 2021, it seems odd to release a megaton game like this towards the middle of the year if a new console is going to come out at the end of it. 

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it'll be timed appropriately to push the new switch hardware revision! + the PS5 needs a good FPS at launch. Halo Infinite could take the place of killzone Shadow Fall. :wow: Of course everyone will pick up COD instead, but this will make a good secondary FPS for the launch of the new consoles.

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2 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

it'll be timed appropriately to push the new switch hardware revision! + the PS5 needs a good FPS at launch. Halo Infinite could take the place of killzone Shadow Fall. :wow: Of course everyone will pick up COD instead, but this will make a good secondary FPS for the launch of the new consoles.

What did I tell you yesterday lol? The delusion continues.

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30 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Gears is up to 6 games in the series already? Holy shit... LOL

If you include the remake as a game. The next gears is 5. 

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