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sony's cinematic adventures stink

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horizon and the scust of us are 2 of the worst games i played this gen.


but then i got god of war and was blown away. :aitch:


i only bought it cause it was $20 on sale but damn this game is good. great story, acting and some incredible graphics like this:



the only thing i didn't like was the combat, it tries to be dark souls but it fails bad...then it throws in those stupid fucking blades from the other games even the axe is 1000x better



cory balrog did a amazing job on this game, but i hope he gets to make something else next.


gotg contender but zelda sitll wins it all



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3 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

god of war and days gone are both made for men. The rest are cucked trash, but at-least AAA-made cucked trash. :hest:


MS, it's just 5.0/6.0 cucked trash across the board LMAO

i might go crazy next and try ace combat...

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19 minutes ago, Ike said:

I generally really enjoy them. Spider-Man and Detroit were two of my favorite games from last year. 

Same here bro. Detroit was my personal fave 

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their first party really has something for everyone though. I give Sony credit on that. THey learned form the early PS3 days that you can't count on 3rd parties for shit, they'll cut and run the second your hardware sales aren't up to snuff and then you're left with nothing.



MS 1st party  on the other hand?


-2 games that were 'dudebro' last gen, rewritten into SJW trash(Halo and Gears) =t now appeal to no one as a result. :rofl: 

-Forza (A mere racer)

-A slew of 5.0 slop from no name devs and dead IP (State of decay, Crackdown, Sea of thieves, recore, etc)


I don't think a 1st party output has ever been worse than MS this generation, absolute the lowest rating i can give. 1/10 . NGage had better first party support, and when you take into account everything is on PC it starts to look even more dire. Xbox One is the worst mainstream gaming platform ever, bar none.

Edited by Bodycount N
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6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

No one is even remotely talking about Microsoft and here comes bodycount right on time having a meltdown about them.


Mental case :snoop:

ive known him since 2003. hes one of the few trolls that are actually funny

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Sony’s just simply on a different level. Every game from uncharted, horizon, Spider-Man, god of war, Detroit, days gone... man these games make ms games look like child’s play. :rofl: All polished, all cutting edge visually.


in in the time it takes ms to shit out a 5.0 scoring disaster, Sony dumped 10 bangers and multi goty/ gotg award winners.


Then you add in the Japanese games, 3rd party dlc, VR which ms refuses to do...


its a fucking blowout. Sony’s bested ms at literally everything. Ms is fucking finished.:jordan3:

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1 minute ago, Bodycount N said:

Sony’s just simply on a different level. Every game from uncharted, horizon, Spider-Man, god of war, Detroit, days gone... man these games make ms games look like child’s play. :rofl: All polished, all cutting edge visually.


in in the time it takes ms to shit out a 5.0 scoring disaster, Sony dumped 10 bangers and multi goty/ gotg award winners.


Then you add in the Japanese games, 3rd party dlc, VR which ms refuses to do...


its a fucking blowout. Sony’s bested ms at literally everything. Ms is fucking finished.:jordan3:

the third console hubris defeated them.


like nintendo with n64, sony with ps3 and sega with the saturn. they make a mediocre machine and assume people will buy/support it

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5 minutes ago, Handsome Horse said:

the third console hubris defeated them.


like nintendo with n64, sony with ps3 and sega with the saturn. they make a mediocre machine and assume people will buy/support it

I have stocks in Nintendo, Sony and MS so if one company fails, I still win. I'm like the Rockefellers in WWII.

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7 minutes ago, Handsome Horse said:

the third console hubris defeated them.


like nintendo with n64, sony with ps3 and sega with the saturn. they make a mediocre machine and assume people will buy/support it

They stopped giving a shit about consoles after 2015. The truth is, they threw in the damned towel. There’s no coming back from that, consumers know they’re Quitters.


Their reputation is unshakable at this point and it’s going to follow them into next gen and they know it. Xbox as console brand is effectively dead from this point forward.




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1 minute ago, Bodycount N said:

They stopped giving a shit about consoles after 2015. The truth is, they threw in the damned towel. There’s no coming back from that, consumers know they’re Quitters.


Their reputation is unshakable at this point and it’s going to follow them into next gen and they know it. Xbox as console brand is effectively dead from this point forward.




Five sentences. Sounds like my prosecution.

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Horizon has some good stuff in it, playing it now and nearing the end I think.

But also lots of cringey strong womenz type of bs that makes you wanna roll your eyes all the time. The cities also feel completely lifeless and sterile despite having people in them, you can't enter any house.

Gets repetitive too as you sink in a few hours, the encounters start feeling the same.

I'd give it something closer to 8.0 than all the 9's and 10's it got, the media bias is real :dame: 





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