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If Microsoft comes out of the gate swinging next-gen, how can the PS5 compete?

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3 hours ago, JONBpc said:

Ps2 vs xbox 




X360 vs ps3 


It's very possible to compete . Is MS capable tho ? They are stupid so I doubt it , tho I think it will do better than xb1

PS5 would have to be a monumental fuck up.


Thing is, it’s just not going to happen. They aren’t fucking up on price, and Sony’s first party gets better and more popular every year. Nobody cared about Sony first party in the lead up to PS3. They will sell these days just for people to get Sony first party games


The worst Sony could do is play it too safe and maybe get caught out by a Wii like situation. Or do something anti consumer, but I can’t see many things they could do which would top XB1 in that regard

Edited by Voidler
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2 hours ago, Voidler said:

PS5 would have to be a monumental fuck up.


Thing is, it’s just not going to happen. They aren’t fucking up on price, and Sony’s first party gets better and more popular every year. Nobody cared about Sony first party in the lead up to PS3. They will sell these days just for people to get Sony first party games


The worst Sony could do is play it too safe and maybe get caught out by a Wii like situation. Or do something anti consumer, but I can’t see many things they could do which would top XB1 in that regard

Sonys first party gets better and better 



Days Gone 5.0 

Any other game for 2019 TBA 


I'm not saying xbox will be a clear winner , it could be a much better competitor.  Taking NA will be a possibility imo .

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4 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Sonys first party gets better and better 



Days Gone 5.0 

Any other game for 2019 TBA 


I'm not saying xbox will be a clear winner , it could be a much better competitor.  Taking NA will be a possibility imo .

It's almost like GoW2, Spiderman 2, Horizon 2 and many more are currently in development for a system that isn't out yet....

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We got to be honest about something though... since the last half of last year, and it's looking like most all of this year... Sony's output has been terrible.  Truly pathetic.  They have nothing ready... but at least they are up front about it.  They aren't even doing shows because they quite simply have nothing.  Which really makes this year pretty sad from them.  IF IF IF they manage to release TLOU2 this year, then obviously that changes things... but it could be that they're holding out on them to really have a crazy 2020 and then keep that momentum going through to when Horizon 2 or whatever GG's next big game is.



MS could have a nice lineup of launch titles for the X2.. It's looking like they'll have a nice amount of content for launch and we shouldn't see the drought we had after XO came.


I think both companies know what they are doing leading up to next gen.


And I have said it before and I'll say it again... all it takes is ONE title.. and that can change perceptions.  Even with all the BC shit... people can and will move to whatever suits them best.


Barring anything completely out of left field... we're not going to see a repeat of MS' fuckup with the Xbox One.  If they have the better system, have good services in place, and they improve their first party output... people WILL notice.


A new gen is a fresh start.  It could go either way.

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25 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

It's almost like GoW2, Spiderman 2, Horizon 2 and many more are currently in development for a system that isn't out yet....

It's almost like its mid year and you have a 5.0 flop and inferior multiplats with no games in sight .

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25 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

We got to be honest about something though... since the last half of last year, and it's looking like most all of this year... Sony's output has been terrible.  Truly pathetic.  They have nothing ready... but at least they are up front about it.  They aren't even doing shows because they quite simply have nothing.  Which really makes this year pretty sad from them.  IF IF IF they manage to release TLOU2 this year, then obviously that changes things... but it could be that they're holding out on them to really have a crazy 2020 and then keep that momentum going through to when Horizon 2 or whatever GG's next big game is.



MS could have a nice lineup of launch titles for the X2.. It's looking like they'll have a nice amount of content for launch and we shouldn't see the drought we had after XO came.


I think both companies know what they are doing leading up to next gen.


And I have said it before and I'll say it again... all it takes is ONE title.. and that can change perceptions.  Even with all the BC shit... people can and will move to whatever suits them best.


Barring anything completely out of left field... we're not going to see a repeat of MS' fuckup with the Xbox One.  If they have the better system, have good services in place, and they improve their first party output... people WILL notice.


A new gen is a fresh start.  It could go either way.

Something people seem to forget every generation and then immediately remember as soon as a new one starts and something goes sideways for one of them. 


If Microsoft comes out of the gate with a competent system, with games, with a good OS with no draconian bullshit and a clear message the tides could turn. Does that mean they'll take over the world? No, but they could wrangle in NA, UK and large sects in Europe, bring people back into the fold they lost. 


Look at the Wii U to Switch, complete 180. 

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Something people seem to forget every generation and then immediately remember as soon as a new one starts and something goes sideways for one of them. 


If Microsoft comes out of the gate with a competent system, with games, with a good OS with no draconian bullshit and a clear message the tides could turn. Does that mean they'll take over the world? No, but they could wrangle in NA, UK and large sects in Europe, bring people back into the fold they lost. 


Look at the Wii U to Switch, complete 180. 

The Wii to the WiiU to the Switch is a perfect example.


People had a terrible perception of MS after the launch of the XO..  Sony made them look like fools.  They unfortunately couldn't make up for that mistake and produce quality games throughout the gen while Sony started firing on all cylinders just as the gen really started going.  That's why it went so one sided.


MS knows what they have to do.  Make no major fuck ups message-wise.. have as good as or better hardware, focus on games.. and execute.  Their services alone have a lot of people interested and could tip people leaning on the fence if Sony doesn't have something comparable.  Sure Gamepass may have a lot of mediocre games, but if FP Xbox games up the quality a bit.. that's going to start looking more and more like a hell of a deal that you can't miss.


Sony's FP studios do some amazing shit, but a lot of their games are leading towards the "samey" camp.. people might really start noticing and it could become an issue for them.... or not.  Maybe they'll keep getting better and better, and completely outclass MS?  Who knows... but new gens are anyone's playground.

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3 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

The Wii to the WiiU to the Switch is a perfect example.


People had a terrible perception of MS after the launch of the XO..  Sony made them look like fools.  They unfortunately couldn't make up for that mistake and produce quality games throughout the gen while Sony started firing on all cylinders just as the gen really started going.  That's why it went so one sided.


MS knows what they have to do.  Make no major fuck ups message-wise.. have as good as or better hardware, focus on games.. and execute.  Their services alone have a lot of people interested and could tip people leaning on the fence if Sony doesn't have something comparable.  Sure Gamepass may have a lot of mediocre games, but if FP Xbox games up the quality a bit.. that's going to start looking more and more like a hell of a deal that you can't miss.


Sony's FP studios do some amazing shit, but a lot of their games are leading towards the "samey" camp.. people might really start noticing and it could become an issue for them.... or not.  Maybe they'll keep getting better and better, and completely outclass MS?  Who knows... but new gens are anyone's playground.

Well think about launch too, what's the one thing people have problems with? It's price more than anything so if Microsoft and Sony are poised at the same cost and instead of having to buy games and end up as I said spending $800-$900 day one, they can be out the door for $450 to $560 by using GamePass... How is that not a cut-throat advantage for a generation launch?

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 hour ago, JONBpc said:

It's almost like its mid year and you have a 5.0 flop and inferior multiplats with no games in sight .

This thread is about PS5. The battle this gen is long time over and won. Sony have very clearly shifted focus to PS5 and all first party teams that are done have moved on to that. Which is going to make PS5 even better, yes at the expense of the output late in the PS4 lifecycle. 


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11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

This thread is about PS5. The battle this gen is long time over and won. Sony have very clearly shifted focus to PS5 and all first party teams that are done have moved on to that. Which is going to make PS5 even better, yes at the expense of the output late in the PS4 lifecycle. 


Well if you think the big 3 Sony games coming up won't show up on ps4 ...I'd say your wrong .

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Just now, JONBpc said:

Well if you think the big 3 Sony games coming up won't show up on ps4 ...I'd say your wrong .

WTF are you talking about now.


I've very clearly mentioned the exact games I'm talking about for PS5 and now you somehow think I'm talking about 'the big 3 sony games'. Stop making things up that I didn't say. But also thanks for admitting Sony still has a big 3 left this gen while MS hasn't even had a big 3 all gen.

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Lmao you're making up games . Sony will win because I think a new gow game will come out.  Duh 


Ms is buying up tons of studios and will have a bigger portfolio than Sony.  That's fact.


All I'm saying is xbox has a chance for a comeback next gen . All these new studios , gamepass , xcloud  etc . They are doing a lot . 


Sorry my opinion hurts your feelings LOL

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Lmao you're making up games . Sony will win because I think a new gow game will come out.  Duh 


Ms is buying up tons of studios and will have a bigger portfolio than Sony.  That's fact.


All I'm saying is xbox has a chance for a comeback next gen . All these new studios , gamepass , xcloud  etc . They are doing a lot . 


Sorry my opinion hurts your feelings LOL

Sony will win cause they have games ppl give af about. As of right now MS has Halo (at it's current weakest state for the franchise) that's it. All the new studios is nothing at the moment and even then it takes time to make franchises become so massive. Sony has the benefit of sequels to their big new IP games launching with their new system. 


Dyno is asking how can PS5 compete and everyone is giving the same answer lol It's not complicated. This thread isn't about how can MS compete, Dyno has given that as the obvious, apparently it's Sony trying to catch up lol

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So the  new games ms is making dont count , but the new games Sony is making do count. 


Lmao you dumb fanboy 


Quit acting like a gaf fag . We can talk about what we want here . Idiot .


Dont like it dont respond 

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10 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

So the  new games ms is making dont count , but the new games Sony is making do count. 


Lmao you dumb fanboy 


Quit acting like a gaf fag . We can talk about what we want here . Idiot .


Dont like it dont respond 

They count as much as MS' past games have this gen...........very little. Until they make a new IP that is a huge hit it won't matter. The point is that the PS5 launch is aligning perfectly with the sequels to the 3 biggest new IPs from Sony. Meanwhile MS is starting from scratch. 

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Just now, Casual said:

Yeah the value add of being able to play Crackdown 3 day one on game pass is huge 

Better value than having to pay 60 bucks for Days Yawn 

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2 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

I thought you weren't talking about those 3 games ? 


Dumb fanboy LOL 



I'm talking about Spiderman 2, GoW2 and Horizon 2, the same way I was when I made my first post here. Holy shit you are dense.


You brought up the 'big 3' for PS4 which are TLoU2, GoT and DS..........I'm not talking about them.


Seriously I have more coherent conversations with my 2 year old and I don't have to explain and repeat myself as much.

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