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6 hours ago, HolyAx said:




Yeah, but when are we gonna see both of you? You dont wanna let us die without seeing who you were behind the screen all this time.



you think I'm gonna risk someone knowing me irl linking me to these posts? :ben: 

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the germans are the absolute worst here, such scumbags, Had to regulate a little 5'2 Euroqueer who though he could kick my ass.     listen Adolf, we kicked your ass in WWII and we'll do it a

Went back to Akihabara for the second and final time. The guys in these shops get a hell of a kick out of seeing a big gaijin like me into all this cutesy japanese stuff. "Gaijin no Kirby ski? SUGOI!!

Also, I've cracked the social codes here.   Japanese and asian  people in general 1000 million percent have a white fetish, yes. But the truth is, they'll keep you around as a 'pet foreigner

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sega is fucking everywhere here lol



This place is jaw dropping. like some alternate reality nerd fantasy




got lost in hell. a whole floor of PC Gayming parts :scared: 



Xflop has also been completely phased out. Switch + PS4 only :cruise: not a single xbox game to be found.IMG_0426.thumb.JPG.69aff7ccfed11054c3c49e1778540099.JPG


can't move in this place. everything packed as hell, so many people everywhere.


this place is heaven:dame:


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Also, approached by another girl from Hong Kong for an 'english lesson'


The Chinese chicks here are hungry af. they actually try to come up to you. I'm assuming Japanese girls won't do this, but that's 4 asian chicks already striking up convos with me and I've been here for 2 days. :rofl: maybe they want a green card but the fact is, the legends are true. You will get approached by chicks here and you have to do nothing.


Was on the train today and had a whole row of women just staring at me like I was some kind of carnival oddity. :rofl: 


This place is a fantasy land. it really is. :rofl: All your nerdy ass videogame needs + all the porn and hot chicks + the girls come up to you. It's the bizarro world! AHAHA! I"M LOVING THIS! 


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7 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

Also, approached by another girl from Hong Kong for an 'english lesson'


The Chinese chicks here are hungry af. they actually try to come up to you. I'm assuming Japanese girls won't do this, but that's 4 asian chicks already striking up convos with me and I've been here for 2 days. :rofl: maybe they want a green card but the fact is, the legends are true. You will get approached by chicks here and you have to do nothing.


Was on the train today and had a whole row of women just staring at me like I was some kind of carnival oddity. :rofl: 


This place is a fantasy land. it really is. :rofl: All your nerdy ass videogame needs + all the porn and hot chicks + the girls come up to you. It's the bizarro world! AHAHA! I"M LOVING THIS! 




Lol at you referring to every Asian chick as Chinese. 

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31 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

only things i bought so far



Days Goty had a whole display + free merch being handed out for its launch :bow: 

DOAX3 owns B)

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20 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



Lol at you referring to every Asian chick as Chinese. 

no, i mean out of the 4 that talked to me all told me they were Chinese. I assume japanese girls are too shy to come up to a foreigner or there's some taboo against it. wish i could speak japanese. Then again, i've only been here for 2 days so i don't know. They stare at you like hell though.

There are a ton of chinese people here + from the rest of asia. I'm also suprised about how many brown people and sri lankans are here. next to japanese, i've seen more sri lankans than anyone here. they all work at the airport :D 

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16 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

the graphics are insane on switch, jesus. best looking game on the system.

Momji and Honoka are my two favorites.  Just wait until you start adding softening effects to their boobs/butt. :jerkit:

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Great thread. I want to go to Japan but I think the culture shock would be too much if I went by myself. I would probably be anxious most of the time.

get your ass over here, stat. This place will fix your self esteem issues. 


The game changer here is that the girls come up to you. Immediately you can tell which girls are interested and you haven't had to say or do or try shit at all. :rofl: It removes the most daunting aspects of the dating game back home, trying to hit on/mack/appease some rotten white c*nt whose been strung out by 20 guys by the time she's 25, spending weeks trying to win over her attention just for her to give you fuckall in return :mindblown:. We've all been there.



Another thing, everything here is English, right down to trains having messages, telling you the next stop, all in English as well. As someone whose an English speaker from Quebec, I'm at a loss for words. There is no English anything in quebec at all, in fact I see more English here than back home, and I'm 11,000km away. :rofl: 



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