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Seems like black guys do well here as well @kokujin. Seen a couple with Japnese girls.


There's a 'basketball street' here in Shibuya that sells nikes and have a bunch of pics of black athletes pinned up :rofl: Hope you're not easily offended.


Just standing around at Shibuya Crossing and I was interviewed by a couple of kids, TV Tokyo was trying to get me in their shots, the kids who do the filming look like they're 15 years old. :rofl: 


celebrity status:smoke:

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the germans are the absolute worst here, such scumbags, Had to regulate a little 5'2 Euroqueer who though he could kick my ass.     listen Adolf, we kicked your ass in WWII and we'll do it a

Went back to Akihabara for the second and final time. The guys in these shops get a hell of a kick out of seeing a big gaijin like me into all this cutesy japanese stuff. "Gaijin no Kirby ski? SUGOI!!

Also, I've cracked the social codes here.   Japanese and asian  people in general 1000 million percent have a white fetish, yes. But the truth is, they'll keep you around as a 'pet foreigner

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ok, so i've stopped taking pictures i think because my mind just can't comprehend what i've seen so far.


If you go to Japan, your first stop for absolute culture shock, punch-in-the-face moments has to be Harajuku. Go straight to takeshita street (lmao yes, take a shit street) and try to comprehend what you've seen.



-Black guys that look like somalian pirates dressed up in baggy clothes and hip-hop style from 20 years ago spinning signs to get you to go into the shops.


-Girls dressed as fucking strawberries and loli-pops


-girls with their tits hanging out like porn stars (actually really rare in japan, the girls dress modest for the most part)


-Harajuku is basically freak town. All the wierdest, crazy shit happens here.


-Straight up looks like you landed on some wierd planet in Mass Effect 2. It's cyberpunk/blade runner in real life, right down to fucking alen looking freaks :cruise: 


Really puts this song into perspective: Harajuku Iyahoi / "Harajuku Crazy fashion style" 





Also, only saw three trannies so far on this trip and all 3 were white guys. :rofl:Fuck I hate white people.

Another thing, apparently most Japanese hate/look down on Harajuku and the scene there.


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Also, I've cracked the social codes here.


Japanese and asian  people in general 1000 million percent have a white fetish, yes. But the truth is, they'll keep you around as a 'pet foreigner' which instantly grants them social status amongst other japanese. They have this huge inferiority complex about being recognized on the world stage but are racist as hell still, regardless.


White = + 100 points 

Blonde + blue eyes + 1000 points

any other kind of foreign other than asian + 10 points


But make no mistake, you are not their equals. You're a conquest, a status symbol. A white man is the equivalent of a Gucci handbag to an asian girl. :rofl: 


Call it what you want, but as a guy you really won't care when you see how gorgeous these girls are. You win either way. The girls do everything for you, treat you like a god, cut your steak, fry up your shics kebabs, feed you, pamper you... but technically you're their prize foerigner.


Every white guy I see here, most are little blonde german guys loess than 5'5. All on their Japanese girlfriends metaphorical leash. Every white guy is walking around here with a shit-eating grin on his face all; day long.


Bizarre as hell society.


also, asian totem pole to the japanese


white people = god level

Japan = #1 

Korea #2


(You're at shit level now)

Indonesia #3 

Thai, vietnam #4


Scum Level




they hate chinese so much lol




Edited by Bodycount N
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1 hour ago, -GD- said:

this thread needs to be HOF'd when it's done. i think it cements BC as one the most entertaining posters ever :D 

word. even when he racebaits its funny af

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you can see them talk in code to eachother about you when they figure out you don't understand everything they say. I just imagine a convo between two japanese girls goes something like this,





'ho-ho-ho. My pet foreigner so handsome! He have-a blonde hair and blue eyes. he-a look-a like-a prince charming! " :whipit:



ho-hoo-ho! MY pet foreigner look-a like John Wayne! he 5'10 and built like brick shithouse! he can harvest lot of rice back on family farm!":whipit:


"Ladies-o-furst-o! Kampai!! ^_^"



Yeah, you'll hear ladies-o furst-o here a lot. When they see you're white, they immediately know you'll actually give them rights. call me racist all you want but this is a 3rd world country with a 1st world coat of paint thrown over it, it's a fact. Rice farms everywhere. White people are gods. Racist as hell, socially it's a 3rd world through and through, don't let the modern amenities fool you.

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Thats what Whippit did ages ago, he could never get a white girl to respect him so he moved to Tailand, where a burger flipping loser became a god overnight.


Asians cant get enough of white people. And its true theyd take any random white guy  over a decent looking asian dude. So this is why the ugly western guys go to Asia as the last resort to find a waifu.


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So, I went and ventured to Roppongi during the day but I didn't go into any bars, just looked around. Roppongi is the night life scene apparently, bars and clubs everywhere and yes, Roppongi is White Guy town basically. It leads into Roppongi hills, a wealthy suburb.


It's basically a settlement of white expats with their Japanese wives. Looking around at this place, it almost looks like what I imagine a British colony circa 1650 would have looked like. White guys with their concubines on every corner. :rofl: 

This whole country is so fucked. It's like some bizarre outerworld in mass effect 2 where only white people and asian people were allowed to land.


Thing is, I've seen many Japanese guys with white girls too, some that look like absoluite supermodels, always blonde. Apparently they go and save one from the russian gulags or the Ukraine, Eastern Europe in geneal, and bring her back to Japan as a trophy. Most of these guys buy her outright.


What a fucking bizarro world. Nothing could have prepared me for this trip, nothing.


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