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also, almost anything white people like is fetishezed to hell here.


I've seen guys in full on rodeo/cowboy gear down to the leather chaps, kids in leather jackets with spikes and british flags spray painted on them, that 70's Sex Pistols punk scene look, skateboarding is everywhere, Japanese girls dyeing their hair blonde and putting the blue contact lenses, everywhere.


this is a conquered people, that's the truth. It's fucking bizarre and I can't day it makes me feel happy or even comfortable to see at times even though I reap the benefits.


what the fuck was in that bomb. :rofl: 

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the germans are the absolute worst here, such scumbags, Had to regulate a little 5'2 Euroqueer who though he could kick my ass.     listen Adolf, we kicked your ass in WWII and we'll do it a

Went back to Akihabara for the second and final time. The guys in these shops get a hell of a kick out of seeing a big gaijin like me into all this cutesy japanese stuff. "Gaijin no Kirby ski? SUGOI!!

Also, I've cracked the social codes here.   Japanese and asian  people in general 1000 million percent have a white fetish, yes. But the truth is, they'll keep you around as a 'pet foreigner

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also, the coolest shit ever: The ninja mask in black. will wear these on my bike. :wow:






big fucking fashion statement to wear these in black, only the badasses do it. 




picked some up in Roppongi/ White guy town.

Edited by Bodycount N
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