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FF7 Remake looks insane

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Just now, Remij_ said:

That shit extrapolates across the entire game.  Even the smaller towns/areas are going to require lots of work... The experience has to be consistent.. and there's tons of areas and places which are massively different from each other.  All the set pieces and mini games and shit like that.  It's huge man.. stop being a Remi hater :bena: 




You have no proof and until you show me proof I'll remain unconvinced. Show me, don't tell me. The fact they've ONLY been showing Midgar despite the fact the first part of this game is apparently coming in 2020 (and the first part is speculated to end after the trip from Junon to Costa Del Sol) should be a red flag that you might want to pull back your expectations.

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FF 7 gets it's fame for being the first game in the series that many people played. The game itself really isn't anything special in the gameplay department and I actually think 4, 5, and 6 are better

Jimbo, you're not allowed to bring food or drink around your PC?

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13 minutes ago, Sabo said:


You have no proof and until you show me proof I'll remain unconvinced. Show me, don't tell me. The fact they've ONLY been showing Midgar despite the fact the first part of this game is apparently coming in 2020 (and the first part is speculated to end after the trip from Junon to Costa Del Sol) should be a red flag that you might want to pull back your expectations.

Remain unconvinced.. I don't give a fuck lmao.  You don't have long to wait... E3 is in 1 month.. we'll know more.


If it's 3 parts of full $60 games... then there's expectations that come with it.  Everything I've seen so far leads me to believe that this is a massive undertaking and that they are taking the time to do it justice and are really going to flesh out certain things and expand it.  If not.. then I'll admit it.   The fact that you guys think they are going to sell 3 $60 games while cutting shit and streamlining shit, and not expanding on it is fucking ludicrous.


Of course, I'm quite curious as to how they are going to handle the overworld, among other things... but we'll just have to wait and see.  Even if it was straight area to area, set piece to set piece... it's hugely ambitious.  I really don't think you appreciate the amount of work that will go into this game.

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No way in hell this is going to be three parts.


If Part 1 is really ending on the ship ride to Costa Del Sol then that means they are segmenting the fuck out of this game to get as much money as possible. 


Midgar>Kalm>Chocobo Ranch>Cross the Marsh>Through the Cave> Outside the cave to your left is Ft. Condor and straight ahead is Junon.


Bam. Part 1 complete.... 60 dollars please. Go ahead and keep thinking this greedy ass company is "serving" your needs while they reach into your pocket as much as possible. We're not talking about SquareSOFT, we're talking about SquareENIX and this company cuts corners in their games and comes up with the most bullshit excuses to justify why they're not delivering on the things they're expected on. FF 7 is the one game where they CAN cut corners and get away with it because the game is STILL going to sell simply because it's FF 7.



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Just now, Sabo said:


I'm honestly expecting a structure more similar to X TBH.

it's kinda the same tbh. 10 was the downfall for me, but at least the combat system was good.

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Just now, kaz said:

it's kinda the same tbh. 10 was the downfall for me, but at least the combat system was good.


Nah, not really. X and XIII are both linear, sure, but X had much better level design. FF X had lots of towns, temples, and other things interspersed between it's "hallways".


FF XIII was just endless hallways with no variation to it's level design. You literally just fight enemies, reach the end of the hallway and enter a new hallway, then fight more enemies. That was it. The game had nothing to break up the monotony.

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11 hours ago, Sabo said:


Nah, not really. X and XIII are both linear, sure, but X had much better level design. FF X had lots of towns, temples, and other things interspersed between it's "hallways".


FF XIII was just endless hallways with no variation to it's level design. You literally just fight enemies, reach the end of the hallway and enter a new hallway, then fight more enemies. That was it. The game had nothing to break up the monotony.

yeah there were a few towns, i think the biggest was Luca. but it was still bad because there was not much to do.


the first time i played it I was pissed when I found out you can only select locations from the airship... hopefully they won't rely on that cheap garbo for the 7 remake.

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2 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

We are probably going to get three 40 hour games. It's going to be huge like the FFXIII Trilogy.

2 hours spent alone for climbing the stairs at the shinra HQ

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19 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

We are probably going to get three 40 hour games. It's going to be huge like the FFXIII Trilogy.


Did they ever specify what they mean by "full game"?


Hell, did they ever specify the Remake was going to be 3 parts or is that just what everyone is assuming?


Because I get the feeling that when they say "full game", they mean "full game" by today's standards (10-12 hours). Not "full game" by RPG standards (40-60 hours).


If 10-12 hours is what they meant, no way in hell is this game going to be 3 parts. And considering all the speculation that Part 1 is going to end at Junon (which is around the 10-12 hour mark in the original FF 7), we're looking at FF7 Remake potentially being 5-7 parts.



This could just be me expecting the worst case scenario, but they better start specifying shit when June comes around.

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the game in parts is a dumb idea. it's a 40 hour game (to be fair a 40h ps1 game) but i can't see them add so much new content to make 3x 30-40 hour games.

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Where you hear that?

my homeboy chucky told me. he might have gotten it off reset but take it with a grain of salt.

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