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David Gibson: Nintendo and Microsoft's Azure is looking to team up to offer their own streaming service

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5 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Apparently the optics division at Sony is posting loses. So MS sweetened the deal to make Sony choose Azure. Wonder what other sweeteners MS is offering behind the scenes.


Looks like Sony's optics might be them taking a bullet to grow the cloud business.

You're misinformed.

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Developers use PCs to make Nintendo and Sony games....... MS won!!!!     

Actrually, the building where Azure cloud servers are housed, used a special textile flooring that is from a manufacturing company in Japan, and Nintendo is a silent owner of that company.  

18 hours ago, Remij_ said:

Shut up faggot.  Nintendo's days are done just like the rest of them.  Their next WiiU level disaster is the end of them.


bubu Nintendo's policy :tom:  

Did DynamiteCop hack your account? :rofls:

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9 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Did DynamiteCop hack your account? :rofls:

No.  I said it before, and I'll say it again... consoles' days are done... especially handheld shit.  Once streaming catches on, everyone will just do it on their phones.


'member when it was just Japan that was gonna get a streaming game here and there?


Now they are in discussions with MS for their own service :rofls: 


One more gen of shit type WiiU sales, and they're gonna say fuck it.

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41 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

No.  I said it before, and I'll say it again... consoles' days are done... especially handheld shit.  Once streaming catches on, everyone will just do it on their phones.


'member when it was just Japan that was gonna get a streaming game here and there?


Now they are in discussions with MS for their own service :rofls: 


One more gen of shit type WiiU sales, and they're gonna say fuck it.

So DynamiteCop did hack your account because you went straight his play book to misconstrue shit that was said:rofls:


Let me own your ass again since you apparently love it so much. 


First of all no one argued against streaming platforms coming NEXT GEN... 2020 and even with that they're still  launching consoles.... I've said that from Jump... streaming will play a role next gen... but there will still be consoles for one more gen. 


What your dumbass and DynamiteCop was saying was that Nintendo will go full streaming in 2019 on Switch because RE7 was streamed in Japan :mj:


I countered with... that's currently not feasible in the US (Switch is portable and will need a stable connection) and won't become a thing until 2020/21 (Nintendo streaming) and until then in 2019 you will see a few titles streaming in Japan until streaming platforms and services launches in 2020/21 and until US wireless speeds catch up to the rest of the world. 



Fast forward to today..... Streaming is still more prevalent in Japan in 2019 with a few titles streaming and there are currently ZERO streamed Nintendo games on Switch in the US..... and streaming platforms aren't slated to launch until 2020 and even then it's not the full abandonment of consoles for at least one more Gen.....and 5G roll out is just beginning and won't see nationwide penetration until 2020.


Just like I said :cmpunk1:




Once streaming takes off fully you will still be need hardware to stream to.... Phones will cut it for certain games.... but a hybrid form factor streaming Trump playing console games on phones anyday. 


Yes... they're in talks for streaming for the future 2020 and beyond.... did you forget your dumbass expected tons for streamed games in 2019 :grimaceleft:

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3 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

So DynamiteCop did hack your account because you went straight his play book to misconstrue shit that was said:rofls:


Let me own your ass again since you apparently love it so much. 


First of all no one argued against streaming platforms coming NEXT GEN... 2020 and even with that they're still  launching consoles.... I've said that from Jump... streaming will play a role next gen... but there will still be consoles for one more gen. 


What your dumbass and DynamiteCop was saying was that Nintendo will go full streaming in 2019 on Switch because RE7 was streamed in Japan :mj:


I countered with... that's currently not feasible in the US (Switch is portable and will need a stable connection) and won't become a thing until 2020/21 (Nintendo streaming) and until then in 2019 you will see a few titles streaming in Japan until streaming platforms and services launches in 2020/21 and until US wireless speeds catch up to the rest of the world. 



Fast forward to today..... Streaming is still more prevalent in Japan in 2019 with a few titles streaming and there are currently ZERO streamed Nintendo games on Switch in the US..... and streaming platforms aren't slated to launch until 2020 and even then it's not the full abandonment of consoles for at least one more Gen.....and 5G roll out is just beginning and won't see nationwide penetration until 2020.


Just like I said :cmpunk1:

Shut up idiot.  Nobody said Nintendo would go full streaming in 2019 ROFL... You said Nintendo wouldn't ever do it.. and it was only 3rd parties that were doing it here and there.


Nintendo themselves are smacking you in the face right now... and MS is gonna make that happen :rofls: 

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5 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Shut up idiot.  Nobody said Nintendo would go full streaming in 2019 ROFL... You said Nintendo wouldn't ever do it.. and it was only 3rd parties that were doing it here and there.


Nintendo themselves are smacking you in the face right now... and MS is gonna make that happen :rofls: 

I said no streaming from them in 2019...you expected Nintendo streamed games in 2019. 


Let me pull up the thread when I get off mobile and then watch your dumb ass back peddle :cmpunk1:

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On 2018-05-21 at 1:45 AM, Remij_ said:

Dude... :sabu: 


So you think MS are the big bad guy because they are the ones pushing for this in the west? :cosby2: 


You think Nintendo, of all companies... with the weakest hardware unlikely to run comparable games to their competitor, and the platform with the weakest 3rd party, isn't going to try to adopt this technology which would essentially solve those exact problems... into the biggest gaming market???  


ROFL :kaz: 


On 2018-05-21 at 1:54 AM, Goukosan said:

WTF are you babbling on about MS?  I said nothing about MS pushing anything in the west.  Im not even comparing this to MS because its not entirely the same. 


Im referring to it being acceptable in the east because it is nothing new to them. 


Im also referring to this not flying in the west as in non of the streamed 3DS or Switch games have come west. 


This is not a change in philosophy for Nintendo to move their platform to a streamed system as it's Capcom releasing a streamed game in Japan only.


You're conflating a streamed game in Japan to an entire platform based on streaming. 


On 2018-05-21 at 2:03 AM, Goukosan said:

Nintendo didn't launch a cloud gaming service.  This is Capcom releasing a streamed game in Japan.  Just like sega did earlier this year, just like Square Enix did 4 years ago on 3DS etc. 


How did you guys jump from Capcom releasing a streamed game in Japan, to Nintendo is implementing MS original plans for the Xbox1 platform?  lol


Its not a Nintendo produced game, it's not a Nintendo service and it's not comparable to MS. 




On 2018-05-21 at 2:08 AM, Remij_ said:

If you can't see what this represents... then you're blind as fuck dude.


What's worse... MS having a service out there for underpowered devices to stream games... OR Nintendo devices requiring those services to fill in for 3rd party support they should have natively?


ROFL...  It's obvious Capcom sees a way to put no effort into the device and milk money from the consumers.  It's obvious that testing in Japan is just the beginning.  And AGAIN, I've already stated the reason why they would be the first company to rely on this shit.




On 2018-05-21 at 2:19 AM, Goukosan said:

as for the bolded text. Remij, I think you're drunk or something.

You're arguing against points or stances I never made.  That MS argument was never mine.  Take that up with those who argued that. 


My point is. 


There were 3rd party streamed games on 3DS in Japan, nothing changed. 


Switch has  3rd party streamed games already released n Japan.. nothing changed. 


Capcom announced a streamed game in Japan..... "OMG, Nintendo is turning switch into a streaming platform" :adhd: .... lmfao. 


Calm down kids. 


On 2018-05-21 at 2:24 AM, Remij_ said:

Never said Nintendo was turning into that... I said that's what it's going to turn into if publishers see that it works... and Nintendo has an interest in that happening for the reasons I explained to you.  So then I make the quip "who would have thought streaming would be in Nintendo's future before MS'"


What other Switch games are Streamed in Japan?


On 2018-05-21 at 2:34 AM, Goukosan said:

It was successful for Dragon Quest X on 3DS in Japan more than 4 years ago....it was demonstrated to work.....yet publishers didn't switch to streaming on 3DS or on Switch. 


Phantasy Online 2 on Switch is streamed in Japan.  


Its a cash grab option that Japanese publishers use from time to time in Japan. 


On 2018-05-21 at 5:49 AM, Goukosan said:

again, why are you quoting me with that MS argument?   Take that up with those who believe that. 


glad we cleared up that "Nintendo is going streaming" angle you guys were trying to push though :cmpunk1:


On 2018-05-21 at 5:54 PM, Goukosan said:

Not butthurt, im agreeing with your points you made in the thread.

Their e3 lineup with be streamed because Nintendo is moving towards streaming.  3rd party games announced will be streamed too. 


It will also run on the new fiber optic 50 state hi speed wifi everywhere across the continental USA. :grimace1: 


On 2018-05-21 at 6:33 PM, Remij_ said:

I was using them as a response as to why your current stance in this thread means sweet fuck all.


Look... what this thread proves.. is that when it comes to shitting on MS for things, which they've given no indication of doing... it's alright... but when someone does the same on Nintendo... you get all pissy about it.


The fact is that THIS is actually a thing on Switch right now for a 3rd party game.  You saying that it's happened before and didn't cause a huge shift is you defending it.  Ok, so it's its own thing.  But if people can equate MS to leaving the industry DESPITE just releasing a new console, over some interest in streaming tech... then I can do the same here.  


At the end of the day, I said before in this thread and wayyyy before on the old thread when dealing with this shit, that it's where the future is going.  I heard, no no... never happening with Sony.  Never happening with Nintendo.  But there's already signs.... just because it's just beginning and initially in Japan only doesn't mean that's not where the future is going.  I haven't seen you dispute that, except to say that it's not happening because of RE7..  I stated why I think Nintendo would be in a position to consider this type of avenue before the others... and it makes sense.


I'm allowed to laugh at that fact considering other people were so sure that MS was going to be the first to stream their games.  And FYI, we've known that Nintendo has been streaming Nintendo games in China for a while now as well.  So Nintendo ARE the first ones to do it.  It doesn't matter the market they're catering to... it's the fucking future to reach the most devices possible with the least amount of development costs possible..


So again... what's your beef?



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15 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

:lawl: Eggs on the face for days...




On 2018-08-07 at 9:32 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

It's a plausible reality given we're at the tail end of this generation, even early 8th generation games would be near impossible to run on Switch, and we're going to be migrating into 9th generation engine technology. 


The Switch is backed into a corner, if they want these games and they plan on Switch being around for years to come they need a solution, streaming is the only one. The fact that Capcom even ventured to do this with Resident Evil 7 when they've never done this before with anything speaks to the dire state of Switch's rendering capabilities. 


On 2018-08-07 at 9:51 PM, Goukosan said:

Not talking about a streaming service that won't launch until 2020.   


Asking you for your best guesstimate of how many streamed games will be released WW in Switch between now and 2020.    Give it a wild guess bro :cmpunk2:


On 2018-08-07 at 7:09 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

Streaming on Switch is a plausibly needed reality for the device, for the sheer sake of function and rendering it is incapable of handling...


Games are not being developed for it because it's Wii U level at its base, what is the only other possible option? Streaming, it's needed if people want to play 3rd party games, and it's no doubt going to become more and more commonplace.


On 2018-08-07 at 9:44 PM, Goukosan said:

Hey, both you retards.... give me a ball park estimate/guesstimate of how many streamed games will be released on Switch worldwide between now and 2020.


Given that's its so plausible what do you guys expect to happen? This should be good.. lol


Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk





Since then we have seen AAA 3rd party game announcements for Switch in the west. 




Samurai Showdown 6

Doom Eternal 

Wolfenstein Young Blood 


Since then we have seen ZERO individual 3rd party streamed games announced for Switch. 


None of those are streamed like you claim would happen...... and I already framed the context of we were talking about OUTSIDE the streaming services that are coming in 2020.


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32 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

The joy of this rape is it will continually get worse with no intervention from us :tom:

Still waiting for those Japan only streamed games to release out west :cmpunk1:

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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You're saying this trying to be cocky while literally what Remij and I said is coming full circle :lawl:

So where are the Japan only streamed games that were coming west? :mj:


Or where are the 3rd party games that were going to be streamed?... oh wait... hasn't happened.... instead they have been announced as on system playable :cmpunk1:


I said streaming services will come 2020 when MS launches on everything including Switch (excluding PS5)......

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28 minutes ago, JONBpc said:

Sheep will have to stream everything because Nintendo consoles too weak for native . Will only be worse next gen .

This post is sadly true. Much easier and cheaper to just throw shit at the cloud than ever bother porting, not worth the effort or money.

Edited by Team 2019
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