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Sony Has ‘No Reason’ to Launch New PS VR Alongside Next-Gen Console, Says Dominic Mallinson

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“From the point of view of the consumer, to be bombarded with many many things – oh, you have to buy this, you have to buy that – is a message that we don’t want to send,” he said. “In some ways, it’s good to have a little breathing space between those things.”

At the moment, Sony is focusing on growing its VR business, and Mallinson acknowledged that it still has a long way to go.

“The fact of life is, you get a little less in terms of commercial movement from the VR titles,” he explained. “We’re just reaching that level now where, as a developer you can say, ‘OK, I can make money. It’s not easy, but I can now make money.'”

Although efforts are underway to expand the VR audience, Sony doesn’t plan to introduce a console-free, mobile VR system. Mallinson applauded Facebook’s standalone Oculus Quest but added that he doesn’t think VR is something players want to “go out on the road” with.

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He's right.  They don't want to bombard consumers with tons of shit all at once.  PSVR2 will come after the initial hype of the PS5 dies down a bit.  It's not like they're going to release PS5, PSVR2, and something stupid like a dedicated streaming tablet (at all) or all at once. :mjpls: 

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