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Assassin's Creed 3: Remastered Switch Analysis

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  • 1080p docked
  • 720p handheld
  • Performs better than Wii U but still struggles to maintain 30 FPS
  • Poor audio quality due to cartridge constraints and the bundling of two games (Liberation)
  • Last generation glitches present which were corrected for PS4/Xbox One
  • Last generation lighting
  • Last generation reflections
  • Last generation textures
  • Last generation render streaming i.e. scene draw
  • Slightly better shadows than Wii U


Impressive :whoo:

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1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

That reminds me, since the Notre Dame Cathedral burned down, I need to install AC Unity which was given out for free. :ben:

i wouldn't play it if someone pays me to

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

i wouldn't play it if someone pays me to

i played through it for the first time recently. its not great but there were parts of it i thought were alright. It actually still looks pretty good for an early gen title.

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