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Windows Central: "At launch, we've heard there won't be any "Xbox Scarlett"-exclusive games. For at least a few years

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3 hours ago, Pureis said:

Sony said PS4 still their main driver for engagement and profitability for the next 3 years. PS5 AAA exclusives will likely take a while too.



It is important. They can’t just drop 100 million consoles earning billions in PSN revenue every year


They will need to keep that going while growing PS5 seamlessly

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I will respect Phil Spencer if he still has the nerve to walk onstage at E3 with the fans knowing that they will have nothing exclusive to their another console that Microsoft wants them to buy (less

Exactly.. this isn't really a big deal.  Pretty standard actually.  Sony wont have big AAA games ready for PS5 for a year or so anyway.  All their biggest studios just finished or have yet to release their latest games on PS4..  2021 for any real PS5 exclusives...


This is a non issue lmao..

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24 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Exactly.. this isn't really a big deal.  Pretty standard actually.  Sony wont have big AAA games ready for PS5 for a year or so anyway.  All their biggest studios just finished or have yet to release their latest games on PS4..  2021 for any real PS5 exclusives...


This is a non issue lmao..

They can't shit out a Ryse or Dead Rising 3 level game at least?


In reality they need an OG Halo level launch title with all their shit going multiplat.

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Also Sony made a presentation where they believe in gens, and want an accelerated transition to PS5 as soon as possible. If that's Sony's strategy then MS's is laughable when they are the ones that need that hardware hit more. That's assuming they really care about consoles at this point.

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If MS wanted to bury Sony by now they could have.  You know damn well that MS has the funds to out-moneyhat Sony.  But they're choosing to keep Sony alive.  As I've said before, MS plays nice with competitors.  You're lucky MS isn't the kind of company that wants to destroy it's competition because they could do it very easily against Sony.


But then again, isn't Sony's primary source of income from Playstation?  Lol MS's OS and server divisions dwarfs Playstation.  MS already has money pouring in from other businesses and they could have easily moneyhatted every fucking thing and you all know it.  


But they don't want to money hat and want to play fair.  They want to try to win it themselves, fair and square.  I'm sure they'll triumph with the amount of money and effort being invested in xCloud.   Ya'll a bunch of closed minded idiots who can't even fathom sony being defeated and claiming they're the best but MS will own that shit sooner or later. 


MS is going in another direction brehs, don't know what to tell yous.  Bill Gates said in the 90s that he wanted a pc in every living room and this is exactly what MS is doing.


They really don't care about who's hardware it's running on.  They've hit the Trillion dollar mark and know how to make money.  Once MS is massive enough in the gaming industry I'm sure they'll eventually trounce Sony into a hole.

Edited by Spicalicious
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Just now, Spicalicious said:

If MS wanted to bury Sony by now they could have.  You know damn well that MS has the funds to out-moneyhat Sony.  But their choosing to keep Sony alive.  As I've said before, MS plays nice with competitors.  You're lucky MS isn't the kind of company that wants to destroy it's competition because they could do it very easily against Sony.


But then again, isn't Sony's primary source of income from Playstation?  Lol MS's OS and server divisions dwarfs Playstation.  MS already has money pouring in from other businesses and they could have easily moneyhatted every fucking thing and you all know it.  


MS is going in another direction brehs, don't know what to tell yous.  Bill Gates said in the 90s that he wanted a pc in every living room and this is exactly what MS is doing.


They really don't care about who's hardware it's running on.  They've hit the Trillion dollar mark and know how to make money.  Once MS is massive enough in the gaming industry I'm sure they'll eventually trounce Sony into a hole.


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Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Killer Instinct, and a host of other weren't made for Xbox 360 in mind.


What this means is, MS's games won't shine, none will be up to snuff with sony's PS5 exclusives. Hell, I don't even think Xbox Game Studios or whatever they're calling their patchwork, ramshackle 1st party nowadays, can make a game for Xbox scarlett on par with what Sony's devs are doing for PS4 right now.


but realistically, this means that MS can't let go of their paltry 30 millions userbase going forward and they know it, because they have zero faith in beating sony next gen.


they're already playing the role of the loser and next gen hasn't even started yet. this is preemptively throwing in the towel.

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16 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Killer Instinct, and a host of other weren't made for Xbox 360 in mind.


What this means is, MS's games won't shine, none will be up to snuff with sony's PS5 exclusives. Hell, I don't even think Xbox Game Studios or whatever they're calling their patchwork, ramshackle 1st party nowadays, can make a game for Xbox scarlett on par with what Sony's devs are doing for PS4 right now.


but realistically, this means that MS can't let go of their paltry 30 millions userbase going forward and they know it, because they have zero faith in beating sony next gen.


they're already playing the role of the loser and next gen hasn't even started yet. this is preemptively throwing in the towel.

Well people buy hardware in blind faith expecting a certain level of quality and reliable franchises. MS will deliver there. But what's equally and possibly more important is that people are willing to take the launch hit assuming they are investing for a whole gen of exclusives that you won't be able to play on anything but that specific console. Sure you'll get Zelda and Uncharted and what not, but more importantly you can play them on anything else.


It adds a certain tangible value.

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