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Phil Spencer says 14 first party titles to be shown at E3

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Off the top of my head:


1. Halo Infinite

2. Gears 5

3. Gears Tactics

4. Sea of Thieves DLC

5. Forza Horizon 4 DLC

6. Ori 2

7. Something Minecraft related?

8. Age of Empires Remake or 4

9. Battletoads

10. Ninja Theory new game

11. Fable?


then maybe 3 more stuff from the new devs and that's if you don't count something like MCC for PC showing up or count Outer Worlds as a XGS game now.

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  1. - Halo Infinite 
  2. - Gears of War 5 
  3. - Gears Tactics (PC Only)
  4. - Halo MCC for PC
  5. - Sea of Thieves (DLC)
  6. - Ori  (Switch)
  7. - Battletoads
  8. - Wasteland 3 (PS4/multiplat)
  9. - Fable
  10. - Age of Empires 4 (PC only)
  11. - Age of Empires: Definitive Edition (PC only)
  12. - Minecraft (DLC)
  13. -The Outer Worlds (PS4/multiplat)
  14. ??

Realistically, one surprise left and if I had to bet it's a new Forza or Ninja Theory's next game.


are you really satisified with that? :rofl: 

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